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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Accumulated Grudge

Although the article did not explicitly state the identity of the business mogul whom Leanna was involved with, it was evident that the person was powerful and influential; even Lux Magazine would shy away from offending him. This also explained why all the scandals concerning her were easily taken down, which highlighted how much effort Lux put in to protect her image.

The situation only continued to heat up after the news broke out. Subsequently, an anonymous user claimed to know everything about the incident and stated the photograph was taken at the famous Pearson Family Estate.

By then, there were already tons of comments with one even stating they were the employees of Lux Magazine and witnessed a wealthy-looking woman visiting Leanna at the company before.

Judging from the description of the comment, it could very well be talking about Sienna based on past events.

Following that, there was a comment about the illegitimacy of the child, which then spurred the discussion about which Pearson the baby belonged to. In the midst of it, another person mentioned that the child was not the one and only illegitimate member of the family.

It was already 10.00PM when Leanna caught wind of all this.

Zoe was the one who informed her of this.

Now that the incident has been blown out of proportion, Pearson Group’s stock price must be affected to a degree.

Gulping, Zoe said fearfully, “Leanna, will they dump all the blaming onto you? Are you able to escape? Should I call the police to save you?”

Leanna thought the whole thing was strange as the scandal seemed to only target her at first before suddenly bringing up the topic of illegitimacy.

Yet, everyone in the Pearsons including Leanna knew clearly that this very topic was the biggest division and barrier put in between Aidan and his family, which essentially was the root of the problem.

Shaking her head at the thought of this, Leanna replied, “Please keep up with the situation out there and hit me up if anything happens.”

She then continued after a pause, “And… look out for Louis too.”

“Okay.” Regardless, Zoe was still worried about her. “How about you send me a message as a safety notice every couple of hours? This way, I can ensure that they didn’t do anything to you.”


Just before they hung up, Zoe asked, “Oh right, how does Aidan plan to handle this?”

Leanna shook her head. “I don’t know. He went to the company early this morning. He still hasn’t returned yet.”

Zoe replied, “Okay, then. I’ll ask my friend regarding the situation at Pearson Group. I’ll tell you if any news comes up.”

Subsequently, Leanna had just hung up when she heard a huge commotion coming from the study downstairs.

It sounded like Gordon was smashing things out of anger.

Holding tightly onto her phone, she calmed herself down and opened the door.

Before she was about to head downstairs, she bumped into Justin.

“Leanna, where are you going?” asked Justin.

Pursing her lips, she replied, “This whole incident happened because of me, so I thought—”

“Leanna, you’re overthinking this. It’s not your fault.”

It was then that Leanna’s phone rang.

The caller was Aidan.

She hesitated before picking it up as Aidan’s cold voice sounded, “Stay in your room. Don’t you go anywhere. This incident doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

She was caught off guard for a moment.

Did he install a bug on me?

After Aidan finished his statement, he hung up without even waiting for her reply.

Seeing Leanna’s hand slowly drop from her ear, Justin smiled. “That was Aidan, right?”


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