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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Come Again Tomorrow

Leanna was annoyed and bewildered by the man’s strange reaction, so she looked up and asked, “What, then?”

Aidan asked, “Have you paid him all your debts?”

“That is none of your concern, Mr. Pearson…”

“In that case, when are you going to settle your debt with me?”

She was speechless upon hearing the man’s question, and she complained about Aidan in her heart. What debt are you talking about?! Haven’t I paid you back enough with all the money I’ve returned to you? Suddenly, there is more debt you’re expecting me to pay back that I’m not aware of. When will you ever get out of my hair, Aidan?!

Aidan noticed that the lady’s beautiful eyes were filled with rage, so he took a step back and spoke softly. “I’m not in a hurry, so take your time to repay your debt.”

Leanna closed her eyes, finding herself on the verge of an outburst. “What do you want from me, Mr. Pearson?! Like I said, if you won’t let me go, please deliver your biggest blow once and for all and leave me alone after that!”

“No can do,” he answered. “Don’t you know that I’m a businessman? People like us are in it for the long run, and we never go all-in at once.”

“In that case, what are you exactly up to?!”

Aidan responded by curling his lips and pointing at the lady’s bosom, leaving her speechless. She subconsciously covered her chest with her arms. I knew this guy had a filthy mind!

As soon as Aidan knew what she was thinking in her mind, his temples twitched while he pointed at the back of Leanna’s hand. He then ambiguously said, “Leanna, this will be mine sooner or later.”

In response, she slapped the man’s hand away. She felt disgusted, and her brows were furrowed as she said, “It seems like I did not make myself clear back then, but I don’t see a reason for the two of us to continue keeping in touch with each other. Besides, I don’t ever want to see you again, Mr. Pearson. If you think I’m still indebted to you, feel free to bring it up. I’ll try my best to…”

“Leanna, there is one thing I want you to understand. You don’t get to decide when it starts and ends.” While the woman appeared confused by Aidan’s words, the man opened the door and looked outside shortly before he returned his gaze and said, “I’ll come back and see you again tomorrow.” As soon as he finished his words, Aidan walked away directly without even waiting for Leanna to give him a response.

In the meantime, it was only after Aidan was gone that the three ladies standing outside felt relieved. Soon, they all set their gazes upon Leanna, who appeared to be standing in a trance that she still hadn’t snapped out of.

After dismissing the two female employees, Zoe walked closer to Leanna and asked, “Nana, did I mishear that man? Is he coming again tomorrow?”

At that moment, Leanna suddenly felt her eyelids twitching as she turned around and replied in a frustrated manner, “I wish I’d misheard that as well.” Deep down, she couldn’t help but wonder what Aidan was up to. After all, she was initially relieved when he left, only to be disappointed shortly after hearing from him that he would visit her again. He must be an idiot! A total lowlife!

At the same time, Zoe tried to lift her friend’s mood by consoling her. “It’s okay. We’re not going to be around tomorrow anyway, so he’ll only find his trip here a waste of time when he arrives.”

Nevertheless, Leanna’s mood didn’t seem to improve at all despite Zoe’s efforts to cheer her up. Instead, she was seen with a frown on her face as she looked at the back of her hand. Why did he point at my hand? Has he become so wicked that he is going to threaten my career with it?

Leanna was bewildered, trying to figure out an answer to her question. While her question remained unanswered in her mind, she grew angrier the more she dwelled on the matter.

Meanwhile, Zoe was preoccupied with the gathering that would be held the following day. In truth, the gathering was just a front; it was actually a matchmaking session she had prepared for Leanna.

After all, most of their male classmates attending the gathering were decent and civilized bachelors. Although they were not as rich as Aidan, they were definitely much more pleasant and approachable than he was.


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