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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166 A Divorcée

The next day, a black Rolls-Royce pulled over by the roadside just as Jonathan rolled down the window and looked outside. Seconds later, he kept his gaze and probed Aidan, trying to sound out if the latter was in a good mood. “President Pearson, it looks like the studio isn’t open today. Mrs. Pearson must be taking a day off over the weekend.”

Aidan pursed his lips and looked up, asking, “Is she doing that on purpose?” After all, the fact that Leanna’s studio was closed seemed too much of a coincidence to him, especially after the day he told her he would visit again.

Meanwhile, Jonathan only reacted with a brittle smile on his face while wondering about the answer to Aidan’s question. Shouldn’t you know? She’s your wife, and it’s funny to think that I’d know the answer to that.

Aidan then took a deep breath and said, “Give her a call and ask her where she is.”

Jonathan heard his instructions and reached for his phone, but a few seconds later, he replied in a small voice, “Mr. Pearson, I’m afraid Mrs. Pearson has blocked my number as well.”

While Aidan was left speechless, Jonathan suddenly saw a notice on the studio’s door, whereupon he stepped out of the car to take a closer look. He then saw a number that he could contact in case of an emergency, so he immediately dialed it. After ringing for a few seconds, someone answered the call.

“Hello, who am I speaking to?” Zoe asked.

Jonathan replied, “I’d like to order a custom-made necklace. I’m right outside your studio at the moment, but it seems to be closed. Hence, I’m calling to ask when you’ll be back.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. We’re closed because we are away for a gathering, so if you’re not in any hurry, I suppose we can discuss it tomorrow.”

“I see.” Jonathan looked back and caught sight of the man sitting in the black Rolls-Royce. “My boss needs it quite urgently, though. Would it be convenient for you to give me your current location so that we can meet you there?”

While Zoe appeared to be hesitant about that, Jonathan sensed her reaction and immediately explained himself, “My boss is going on a business trip tonight, and he’ll only be back in half a month. However, he needs this necklace as a present for his girlfriend quite urgently, which is why I’m here to make the reservation ahead for him.”

After a brief hesitation, Zoe agreed and said, “Alright then, I’ll send you the address in a while. I hope it won’t trouble you too much to travel all the way here.” Deep down, she didn’t think there was a reason for her to turn down a client who showed interest in engaging her services. Furthermore, she doubted it would take long to discuss the designs anyway, so she eventually agreed to let Jonathan meet her.

“Please don’t say that. I should be the one apologizing for the inconvenience.” Once he hung up the call, Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief, thinking he had just resolved his boss’ problem. I know this is not going to look nice, but I guess it should help me keep my job at the very least.

Zoe, who was in a private lounge with Leanna, spoke to the latter with a soft voice, telling her about the call she just received. When Leanna learned of the situation, she nodded her head and replied, “Alright, sure.”

A lady who sat beside them said, “Wow, it seems like you’re very busy with your new studio, even taking work calls during our gathering, Zoe.”

The lady’s name was Maya Fox, and she had been raised in a modest family. Not long after graduating from university, she married a man who was a part of the senior management in a huge company. Since then, she had been living a comfortable life as a housewife. However, her relationship with Zoe and Leanna had always been rather strained since she liked driving wedges between them.


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