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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Even Grass Is Worth More Than Overdue Affections Elijah could tell that Leanna’s mind was wandering when they were in the restaurant.

Softly, he asked, "Do you not enjoy the food tonight, Leanna?” Upon hearing this, she snapped back to reality and flashed him an apologetic smile.

“That is not it.

It is my problem.

The food is delicious." She didn't know if it was because she had hugged Carly’s baby today that she had been rather dispirited the entire afternoon.

She couldn't help having her mind drift off to the possibility of her own child being as tiny, soft, and cute if she had given birth then. He added hot water to her cup.

“No, I am the problem,” he said.

"I must have scared you by saying that last night." Elijah did think that he had been a little abrupt after he went home and thought about it. But then, he had no reason to go back on his own words since Leanna had already agreed. Lips pursed, she began, "Elijah, I actually—" He smiled and finished her sentence for her, "I am aware that the reason why you agreed to meet me was that you were angry with Aidan." She was slightly startled when she heard his words, but she didn't deny it.

All she said was, “I am sorry.”

“It is alright.

I am happy I can help you this way." Elijah then continued, “Leanna, I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to say this, but I always thought that you had lived a good life in the past few years.

I thought that you might have already gotten married to Zayn after graduation, but all I got was news of his engagement with Anna." "I felt conflicted the moment I heard the news.

I was secretly happy on one hand but on the other, I couldn’t help but wonder about what happened between the two of you and what you must have felt at that time.

In fact, I have never thought about getting anything.

I was satisfied with being able to see that you were well from a distance.

His smile began to fade as he spoke.

"But I found out last night that life these few years hasn’t been easy on you.” The corners of Leanna’s lips raised after she heard that, and she replied nonchalantly.

“That is life.

It is inevitable there are ups and downs.

At the very least, I am happy now.

The rest are all things of the past, anyway." Elijah knew that there hadn’t been any changes to her stubborn and optimistic character.

She had never spoken about the pain she was going through. Leanna had always been a beautiful girl that was constantly swarmed by boys since the time when they were students.

However, she had always smilingly rejected everyone's advances, no matter if the boys were giving her gifts or inviting her to meals. She would go to a convenience store just one block away from the school every day.

Other than it being the place she stayed at the most besides the school, it was also where she got her source of income. Elijah didn't particularly have a strong impression of Leanna at first.


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