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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Mental Problem When the car stopped at the apartment, Leanna let out her breath. “Elijah, I’m so sorry about what happened earlier." Elijah smiled and gently shook his head.

“I’ve heard about Aidan’s behavior before.

I just didn't expect him to do such a thing." "Yeah, he’s too arrogant.

That’s ridiculous.” She then opened the car door.

“Thank you so much for today.

See you." "Leanna," Elijah stopped her while looking a little nervous.

He hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Are we still friends?" Leanna was slightly taken aback by the question.

Then, she nodded.

“Of course.

What’s wrong?”

A smile reappeared on his face.


I’ll see you around then." "Alright, please be careful on your way back.

Text me when you get home." "Okay." Elijah decided to take it step by step and not to rush it.

There was at least still a little hope for him so long as she did not reject him right away. After Elijah’s black car had left, Leanna withdrew her gaze from the car and went upstairs. When she opened the door, she saw Zoe lying on the couch and having some snacks over there. Leanna changed her shoes.

She then walked over and asked, "Zoe, aren't you supposed to be having dinner with Daniel now?” Hearing this, Zoe let out a long sigh.

“Yeah, that was the plan.

Elijah mentioned that Daniel does not have any food allergies, right? So, I was going to take Daniel to enjoy the Highside specialties," Zoe was getting angrier as she continued.

"But just when we were right in front of the restaurant, he told me that there were some canned foods in his fridge which will be expired after tonight and he had to finish them before they expired!" Leanna was left speechless. After a while, she asked, "So, you come back just like that?" "Yep, that’s right." Zoe rested again on the couch and said indifferently, "He even invited me to his house to have those canned foods with him, but I refused." Leanna couldn't help laughing. Zoe let out another long sigh.

"I think he was either making an excuse to avoid having dinner with me, or he must have a mental problem.” Leanna said, “Foreigners sometimes do have some strange cultures.

So, just get over it.”

“No, seriously.

If it wasn't for his good-looking face, I would definitely take him to a psychiatrist from that restaurant right away.” Zoe sat up on the couch with her legs crossed and said thoughtfully, "Nana, do all hot guys always act this weird?" "Well, I don’t think it has much to do with looks." "Why not? I do think that Aidan is a weirdo.

Now, there's finally another guy who can compete with him." Leanna remained silent. Zoe continued, “Forget it.

Let’s not talk about such an annoying subject.

How is your date with Elijah? Any progress?" Leanna corrected, "It's not a date.

It’s just a meal between friends.”



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