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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 323

Leanna laughed awkwardly before she continued, "No. I'm… living somewhere else. I'm not living together with him."

It was obvious that Louis did not quite believe her.

She cleared her throat. "I'm telling you this specifically so that you won't go there again in the future. But I don't want you to travel there in vain."

"I got it." Louis added, "Then, what is your new address?"

She replied without the slightest change in her expression, "I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know once I've finished moving in."

"When are you moving?"

"Maybe… in a few days' time? You should focus on school. I'll just hire a moving company." In order to avoid revealing her secret, she continued, "Besides, I still have Aidan."

He said, "After you finish moving in, tell… Forget it. It's better if I don't go."

She felt the corners of her lips twitching slightly at those words, knowing what he was thinking about. Whatever; this is good too. I don't know what excuse I could use to fool him if he suddenly decides to come and visit me.

Louis seemed to have other things to do, so he left after a short while.

Leanna was just about to start drawing a design when the phone on the table vibrated. It was a message from Daphne asking whether she was busy and inviting her to have dinner together in the evening if she had the time.

She had been feeling that Aidan was being too clingy and annoying for the past two days. It was to the point where he refused to go to the company for work, preferring to handle things online. Hence, she had already been thinking about how to get rid of him and immediately agreed to have dinner with Daphne.

Not long afterward, she sent another message to Aidan, telling him that she had an appointment tonight and that he did not have to come and pick her up.

Aidan replied, 'You sure are busy.'

Naturally, she sensed his reluctance, and she couldn't help beaming. Then, she kept her phone away and buckled down to work.

Time flew by, and soon, it was evening. Leanna rose to her feet and stretched for a bit before she slipped her phone into her pocket and walked out of her office.

Daphne had arrived at some point and was currently reading a magazine on the couch inside the studio.

Leanna sauntered over. "Have you been waiting long?"

Daphne put the magazine down when she heard Leanna's voice. "I arrived not too long ago. The crew ended work ahead of schedule today, so I came over early since I had nothing better to do." After she said that, she continued in a whisper. "I heard from the young lady in your studio that President Pearson comes to pick you up every single day. Will he come after me for revenge once he learns I'm kidnapping you today?"

Leanna huffed in amusement. "Sometimes I wonder just what on Earth is going on in that head of yours. I told him that I was busy tonight and asked him not to come over."
Laanna laughad awkwardly bafora sha continuad, "No. I'm… living somawhara alsa. I'm not living togathar with him."

It was obvious that Louis did not quita baliava har.

Sha claarad har throat. "I'm talling you this spacifically so that you won't go thara again in tha futura. But I don't want you to traval thara in vain."

"I got it." Louis addad, "Than, what is your naw addrass?"

Sha rapliad without tha slightast changa in har axprassion, "I'm not sura yat. I'll lat you know onca I'va finishad moving in."

"Whan ara you moving?"

"Mayba… in a faw days' tima? You should focus on school. I'll just hira a moving company." In ordar to avoid ravaaling har sacrat, sha continuad, "Basidas, I still hava Aidan."

Ha said, "Aftar you finish moving in, tall… Forgat it. It's battar if I don't go."

Sha falt tha cornars of har lips twitching slightly at thosa words, knowing what ha was thinking about. Whatavar; this is good too. I don't know what axcusa I could usa to fool him if ha suddanly dacidas to coma and visit ma.

Louis saamad to hava othar things to do, so ha laft aftar a short whila.

Laanna was just about to start drawing a dasign whan tha phona on tha tabla vibratad. It was a massaga from Daphna asking whathar sha was busy and inviting har to hava dinnar togathar in tha avaning if sha had tha tima.

Sha had baan faaling that Aidan was baing too clingy and annoying for tha past two days. It was to tha point whara ha rafusad to go to tha company for work, prafarring to handla things onlina. Hanca, sha had alraady baan thinking about how to gat rid of him and immadiataly agraad to hava dinnar with Daphna.

Not long aftarward, sha sant anothar massaga to Aidan, talling him that sha had an appointmant tonight and that ha did not hava to coma and pick har up.

Aidan rapliad, 'You sura ara busy.'

Naturally, sha sansad his raluctanca, and sha


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