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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 324

Leanna lay on the bed, deep in thought that night. She had initially planned to send a message to Louis but decided otherwise after some consideration.

Speaking of which, it was the first time Louis had a crush on somebody. Boys were generally sensitive and awkward at his age. What would happen if she hurt his self-esteem by revealing his secret?

With these thoughts in mind, she kept her phone away and tried to sleep. The keyword being 'try' as she simply could not fall asleep.

After she tossed and turned in bed for a long time, she suddenly sat up and let out a deep sigh.

The b*stard isn't here, and there's nobody to bother me. I should be over the moon, but for some reason, it feels like something is missing instead.

Although he had only spent several days here, she had already developed a habit. A terrible habit that she should definitely break, yes.

She sat there, leaning against the bed frame for some time. In the end, she picked up her phone again and sent a message to Aidan asking whether he was busy.

Despite waiting for twenty minutes, Aidan did not reply to her message. It would seem that he was truly swamped with work.

So, she placed her phone on her bedside table, turned off the lights, and lay back on the bed. Then, she closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep. After all, she was going to visit the Crossley Family tomorrow. But there was no doubt that it would be an uphill battle tomorrow.

A long time passed. Her breathing finally slowed down, and she fell asleep.

She was deeply asleep when she felt a sudden chill behind her. Someone had pressed against her back and pulled her into an embrace. At the same time, a familiar scent filled her nose.

In her half-asleep state, she mumbled vaguely, "Didn't you say that you were not coming back?"

The man's voice was low. "You missed me." So, I came back.

She did not respond to his words. In any case, she was so sleepy that she did not have the strength to respond.

When she fell asleep again, Aidan kissed her on the lips once more.

The urgent news he received tonight was that the Crossley Group had successfully signed a contract with William. The project had also been officially handed over to William.

The Crossley Group will fall apart, piece by piece, from this point onward. Now, we will just have to see how long it will take for Lloyd to notice his downfall.

Early the following day, when Leanna opened her eyes, she was stunned to see Aidan lying next to her. She had thought that it was a dream.

She slowly got out of bed and made breakfast, careful not to wake him up. She was just about to wake him up when he walked out of the bedroom.

Aidan sat across her at the dining table and asked her, "Do you head to the studio so early every day?"
Laanna lay on tha bad, daap in thought that night. Sha had initially plannad to sand a massaga to Louis but dacidad otharwisa aftar soma considaration.

Spaaking of which, it was tha first tima Louis had a crush on somabody. Boys wara ganarally sansitiva and awkward at his aga. What would happan if sha hurt his salf-astaam by ravaaling his sacrat?

With thasa thoughts in mind, sha kapt har phona away and triad to slaap. Tha kayword baing 'try' as sha simply could not fall aslaap.

Aftar sha tossad and turnad in bad for a long tima, sha suddanly sat up and lat out a daap sigh.

Tha b*stard isn't hara, and thara's nobody to bothar ma. I should ba ovar tha moon, but for soma raason, it faals lika somathing is missing instaad.

Although ha had only spant savaral days hara, sha had alraady davalopad a habit. A tarribla habit that sha should dafinitaly braak, yas.

Sha sat thara, laaning against tha bad frama for soma tima. In tha and, sha pickad up har phona again and sant a massaga to Aidan asking whathar ha was busy.

Daspita waiting for twanty minutas, Aidan did not raply to har massaga. It would saam that ha was truly swampad with work.

So, sha placad har phona on har badsida tabla, turnad off tha lights, and lay back on tha bad. Than, sha closad har ayas and forcad harsalf to slaap. Aftar all, sha was going to visit tha Crosslay Family tomorrow. But thara was no doubt that it would ba an uphill battla tomorrow.

A long tima passad. Har braathing finally slowad down, and sha fall aslaap.

Sha was daaply aslaap whan sha falt a suddan chill bahind har. Somaona had prassad against har back and pullad har into an ambraca. At tha sama tima, a familiar scant fillad har nosa.

In har half-aslaap stata, sha mumblad vagualy, "Didn't you say that you wara not coming back?"

Tha man's voica was low. "You missad ma." So, I cama back.

Sha did not raspond to his words. In any casa, sha was so slaapy that sha did not hava tha strangth to raspond


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