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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Are You a Tortoise or Something?

Aidan withdrew his hand and walked up the steps with his long legs without even looking at her.

Leanna walked a few steps after him. Then, she couldn’t help but ask, “President Pearson, do you have anywhere else that you’d like to go? I’m going back first if you don’t.”

“Did no one tell you that one should exercise more during pregnancy?”

Leanna replied with a straight face, “My doctor only told me to get more rest and stay as far away as possible from those annoying people and stuff.”

Aidan darted his gaze toward her impassively.

Leanna added, “Of course, being with you can make one happy both physically and mentally. Where else would you like to go, President Pearson? Let’s hurry and go back before it gets dark.”

Aidan looked at the false smile on her face before letting out a sneer. “No, let’s forget about it.”

Leanna breathed a sigh of relief. That would be best, she thought.

The journey back to the house seemed much shorter than the journey to the river, and it didn’t take long before they arrived at the door. Leanna said, “I’m going back upstairs now. Just call me again if there’s anything, President Pearson.” As she spoke, she hurriedly ran upstairs without waiting for his reply.

After returning to her room, she sat down on the edge of the bed and opened her sketchbook. Then, she picked up her pen, but she couldn’t put it down on the page for a long time. At this very moment, all she could think about was the scene of Aidan standing on the stern of the boat while stretching out his hand toward her.

After drawing the final stroke, Leanna signed her name on the sketch out of habit. She put down her pen, but as soon as she gave a stretch, Zoe called her, asking, “What are you doing, sweetie?”

Leanna was just about to answer when she lowered her head and saw the sketch on her desk. Perhaps because she felt guilty, she immediately closed the sketchbook and forced a laugh, saying, “Nothing… I was just drawing sketches. What’s the matter?”

Luckily, Zoe didn’t notice the peculiarity of her manner. She merely replied, “I feel so bored being alone in Highside. Tomorrow happens to be the weekend, so how about I come to your place and hang out there for a few days? The scenic photos you sent me earlier seem quite beautiful to me.”

Upon hearing this, Leanna subconsciously said without thinking, “Don’t!”

Zoe was puzzled. “Why?”

“I mean… It’s too far away. That’s right; it’s too far away. And besides, you only have two days; there’s nothing much you can have fun with in such a short time. Let’s wait until next time and come when there’s a long holiday.”

“Okay then. Hey, you know what? I saw Anthony a few days ago. He’s now very much in love with that lover of his. He acted like he couldn’t live without me back then, which was so disgusting. Men are all like that. Not only are they unfaithful, but they won’t let go of any chance to hook up with women no matter who she is.”

Leanna was rendered speechless. She’s right. So what if he can’t live without her? In the end, he won’t stay celibate. What the hell is love to these people? Even Anthony is like this, let alone…

After digging at Anthony for another while, Zoe told Leanna to take good care of herself. Then, she hung up the phone.

Leanna put down her phone and reopened her sketchbook. After pondering for a moment, she tore off the page, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the trash can. She let out a breath. Pulling herself together, she started to draw design sketches, immersing herself in work without noticing that it was getting darker and darker outside.

She didn’t know how much time had passed when she heard a knock on the door. Aidan’s impassive voice rang, saying, “Leanna, are you sleeping?”

Leanna stood up and opened the door reluctantly. “What’s the matter, President Pearson?”

“Let’s go out for dinner.”

Only then did Leanna realize that it was already time for dinner. But isn’t this jerk unwilling to eat out? Why does he want to eat out now?

Aidan darted a look out the window. “It’s getting cold in the evening, so bring a jacket with you.”


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