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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Give You Another Chance

Back when she was attending college, there had also been an old street like this one next to the campus. She and Zoe had often hung out there at night, but the place they went to was merely a long street that wasn’t as spectacular and busy as this one. However, it really surprised her that Aidan actually liked such a lively place.

Soon after that, the snacks she had ordered previously were served one after another. Just when she picked up the fork and was about to dig in, she noticed that Aidan was browsing through documents on his cell phone. After pondering for a moment, she held out the fork to him.

Aidan took the fork effortlessly without even looking up.

Leanna curled her lips and took another fork.

It wasn’t until she was halfway through the meal that Aidan finally put down his phone and ran his eyes over the food on the table. “Why aren’t you eating these?”

Leanna was just halfway through chewing the food in her mouth. After swallowing it, she replied, “Didn’t you order nothing just now, President Pearson?”

Aidan pushed the few boxes toward her, saying flatly, “I told you to mind your own business.”

Leanna was rendered speechless. He simply doesn’t know to appreciate someone’s kindness. The snacks I’ve ordered are all my favorite food, but I kindheartedly give them up to him. Never mind if he doesn’t appreciate the gesture. I’ll eat all of them on my own.

After eating all of the snacks, she couldn’t help but let out a burp.

Aidan darted a look at her. “Are you full?”

“Huh? Yeah, I’m full. I’m gonna…” She wanted to ask the hawker for a bag to pack the leftovers.

However, before she could finish her sentence, she saw Aidan pick up his cutlery again and eat the food she didn’t manage to finish.

Startled, Leanna was somewhat puzzled about what was going on. Why is he doing this?

Aidan seemed to notice the look of surprise in her eyes. He said impassively, “Did no one teach you not to waste food?”

“I…” Nobody is wasting food here! I’ve wanted to pack the leftovers, thought Leanna. She looked away without finishing her sentence.

The lights on the street were splendid, and the night was bright and beautiful. Those who came here were mostly people who were on close terms with one another, like couples, friends, and families. Perhaps there wasn’t another pair like them, who were forced to have dinner together despite being divorced.

Just as she was slightly lost in thought, Aidan had finished eating the snacks. “Let’s go.”

“Oh, okay,” Leanna replied. Just as she was about to head toward the exit, she noticed that Aidan was walking toward the livelier part of the street, which puzzled her.

Aidan walked a few steps before noticing that Leanna didn’t catch up to him. He looked back at her and said expressionlessly, “There are a lot of people here, so I won’t hold you in my arms. Just forget about the fanciful idea before it’s too late.”

Leanna gave a hollow laugh. Finding herself at a loss for words to ridicule him, she briskly walked past him and went on ahead.

Aidan walked side by side with her at an unhurried pace like before.

Leanna sneaked a few glances over her shoulder. Is this *sshole crazy? What the hell is he trying to do? Before she could put her finger on it, her gaze was drawn to the fluffy toys sold at the stalls on the streets. She picked a few toys that she liked, but just as she was about to pay for them using her phone, the seller’s phone beeped with a message telling him that the payment had been made to his bank account.

Leanna turned her head in disbelief, only to see Aidan putting away his cell phone with a hint of displeasure on his stony face. “Why are you looking at me?” he asked.

Leanna was rendered speechless. Not only am I looking at him, but I also want to crack his head open to see what’s gotten into him today!

Just then, his phone rang, and he turned around and went to a relatively quiet spot to answer the phone.


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