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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 106

“You…. She's a wolf" He uttered in disbelief as he stared at her purring. Zane took Levi's suit that was on his desk then walked up to Kiara and stood in front of her.

“Change" She immediately did as he ordered then wore Levi's suit before turning to Levi. She pursed her lips as she stared at him and she was about to take a step forward but he trembled and moved backwards with his eyes still wide.

“A wolf… you are a wolf, you are a wolf" He muttered like he still couldn't believe it.

“Yes and so is Zane, Heather, Daniel and Liam" Levi gasped with his hand over his mouth. Heather was a wolf? He had been staying with a wolf? He… he fell in love with a wolf?

“Stop freaking out. Just because we can change into wolves doesn't make us any less of a human" Levi nodded.

“It does! You are all monsters" Kiara frowned.

“Don't be like this, Levi. I told you this because I thought you'd be cool about it" He scoffed.

“You just changed into a wolf in front of me and you thought I'd accept it just like that? I…. I need time to process what I just saw," She nodded.

“I understand. Let's go, Zane" Zane nodded then grabbed her hand and led her towards the door.

“Don't worry, we'll bring back your suit one day" Zane uttered then they closed the door behind them. Levi sat in that position for a while before he let out a sigh. Everything felt so surreal.

His phone suddenly rang and when he saw the caller id, he immediately picked up and pressed the phone to his ear.

“You all were fucking right, they are wolves!" Levi muttered in disbelief and his brother, Lucien chuckled.

“I told you, father would never lie about that. So I'm guessing the plan worked? You finally believe?" Levi nodded then he remembered Lucien couldn't see him.

“Yes. Now, all I have to find out is where the pack is and I know exactly how to do that"

“That's good. Although Sebastian said he's going to kick your butt because Zane broke his arm" Levi rolled his eyes.

“He should be grateful to me because Zane could have easily killed him" He was still baffled by the image of Kiara changing into a wolf. He couldn't believe he had doubted his father when he said Zane and the rest were wolves? He was even surprised that Heather was a wolf but he guessed it all made sense now with how close they all seemed. Fuck, he didn't even understand what he thinking anymore.

“Make sure you go with the plan. Find the pack so we can get this over with once and for all. I want you to be the one to find the pack so father can be proud of you for once" Levi sighed.

“Okay, I'll get right to it" Then he hung up and slumped back on his chair. He was in love with a wolf? What fantasy world were they living in?


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