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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 107

Heather came down from the cab in front of Levi's Villa and saw Daniel leaning against his car, waiting for her. He was dressed in a black suit and he looked absolutely delicious.

She paid the cab driver then walked up to him. As soon as he noticed her, he walked up to her with a smile.

“You came," She shrugged.

“I do live here so I was bound to come anyway. Can we leave now?" He nodded then they walked back to the car and he opened her door for her. She knew he was trying to impress her but she was just shocked to see Daniel be a gentleman.

He climbed into his side then smiled at her before starting the car and driving away.

“So how was your day? Did you do anything eventful?" He questioned as he drove and she sighed.

“You do know I was with Liam right? I feel so bad that I had to leave him to go on a date with you. This won't be happening again, you know" Daniel smiled.

“It will all be worth it, trust me" She scoffed.

“Worth it, how? I'm sure I'm going to regret my decision before the days run out" Daniel sighed.

“Why are you being mean to me? I just want to make it up to you and show that I love you but you're making it hard on me" She turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

“What were you expecting? That I'd welcome you with open arms? You hurt me, Daniel in more ways that you know and you're going to do more than just saying you love me to change that" He sighed.

“I'm sorry, I just… I'm not good with words, so I just wanted to show you instead do you'd believe me" She stared at him for a while but didn't say anything.

When they got to the venue, Heather was surprised by it. She had expected them to go to a restaurant or something but they were at the movies?

“We are going to watch a movie?" She questioned as he took her hand.

“Yes love. Don't you like movies?" She nodded.

“I do but I… I didn't think we'd be coming to the movies" He chuckled.

“Don't worry, love, okay?" She sighed then walked in with her. The place wasn't really full compared to how It was anytime she came here with Kiara.

She furrowed her eyebrows when Daniel just walked past the counter and didn't bother to get them tickets or something to eat during the movie.

“Erm… Daniel? Where are we going? And about popcorn?" She questioned and he paused before turning to her with a smile.

“We don't need tickets for this because the movie is about us" She furrowed her eyebrows but before she could question him, he walked into the theater. She followed him and gasped when she saw the inside.

They were the only ones in the theater and there were balloons and flowers everywhere. It was beautiful!


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