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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 108

Kiara sat down on the couch and watched as Zane paced in front of her silently.

“I said I was sorry" She murmured and he scoffed before turning to her.

“You were sorry? You revealed out identity to Levi, a Mafia King? What were you thinking?" She sighed.

“Since already know his identity, I just thought it was fair if he knew ours. I was tired of lying to him" Zane paused then ran his fingers through his hair before turning to her.

“I just can't understand why you treasure Levi so much" She sighed.

“Because he's a good person. He was shocked now but I'm sure he'll get used to the idea after a while. I'm sorry, I just acted on impulse" Zane sighed as he sat down besides her.

“What if he decides to tell someone? What if he gets us into trouble?" She shook her head.

“I don't think he will"

“You don't know him that well, Kiara. Stop acting like you do. Let's even say he doesn't want to get us in trouble but eventually does, what then?" She sighed.

“I'm sorry" He sighed then grabbed her face before placing a kiss on her lips.

“I'm not mad at you, okay? I'd just appreciate if you talked to me about some certain things before doing them especially when it doesn't affect only you but all of us as well" She sighed as she rested her head on his chest.

“I should probably call Heather and tell her not to go home today so that Levi can be given the space to think about this clearly" He nodded then kissed her forehead.

“Okay" She tried calling Heather several times but they went to voicemail. Was she busy?

“You can call her tomorrow, let's go to bed now" He muttered then stood up from the chair, bent down and carried her in his arms as he walked towards the room.

She smiled when he placed her down on the bed gently and kissed her cheek.

“Go to bed, we'll think about the damage you have done tomorrow" She rolled her eyes then let out a yawn.

“I trust Levi, he won't do anything that would hurt me. Goodnight, my love" She murmured then after a while, she fell asleep.

Zane sighed as he stared down at her. He caressed her face lightly with a guilted look on his face.

“If only I had trusted you as much as you trust others, we would have been in a better place" He murmured then climbed in next to her on the bed and pulled her closer before finally falling asleep.

The sound of alarm going off what the first thing Heather heard when she woke up the next morning. She groaned slightly as she opened her eyes. She didn't remember having an alarm in her room.

She froze immediately when an arm wrapped around her waist and a face snuggled against her back.

“Good morning, Heather" Her eyes widened. Liam?!

She turned in his arms and stared at him with wide eyes.


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