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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 132

Kiara woke up the next morning with a yawn, then she opened her eyes and a smile appeared on her face when she saw Zane smiling down at her.

“I hadn't expected you to be here when I woke up" She murmured and he leaned down to place a kiss on her lips.

“I couldn't leave without seeing you wake up" She took a good look at him and saw that he was already dressed and ready to leave which made her frown.

“Be on your phone at all times. If I can't reach you when I call, I'll assume something is wrong and come running down" He chuckled.

“Yes, my love. Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to me" She sighed then leaned in and was about to place a kiss on his lips when they heard a frantic knock on the front door.

“Kiara, Zane" Kiara eyes widened when she heard Heather's voice. She hastily stood up from the bed and they both went downstairs to know what was going on.

As soon as Kiara opened the front door and saw the state Heather was in, her first instinct was to wrap her arms around her when she saw the tears in Heather's eyes.

“What happened? Why do you look like you have been crying all night?" Kiara questioned as she pulled away to stare at Heather's face.

“Because I have. Yesterday, Liam and I had the worst fight" Kiara furrowed her eyebrows then glanced briefly at Zane before turning back to her.

“Why?" Heather let out a sigh.

“I told him about the pregnancy" Kiara furrowed her eyebrows.

“And he got mad? Isn't he the one that got you pregnant?" Zane furrowed his eyebrows.

“Wait hold up, you're pregnant for Liam?" Heather turned to him and nodded slowly which made Kiara narrow her eyes at her.

“Why do you seem so unsure all of a sudden?" Heather let out a sigh.

“I didn't even think of the possibility that this could… could also be Daniel's. I mean… I… I slept with both of them two weeks ago so the child… the child can…"

“Can be for Daniel or Liam? Was it Liam that figured this out?" Zane questioned as he crossed his arm and Heather nodded.

“Yes and he went on a rampage last night and began smashing things. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen to me so I let him vent out his anger because I was angry at myself as well. Then he decided to sleep in another room for the night and I let him but this morning, I went to search for him and he was gone" Zane's eyes widened and he hurriedly ran back into the house to grab his keys before running back out.

“What's wrong?" Kiara questioned as she ran after him with Heather behind her.

“You two stay inside the house, okay? Or better yet, go stay with Levi" Zane said hurriedly as he opened his car door but before he could get in, Kiara slammed it shut and stared at him with a stern look on her face.

“Tell me what's going on and why are you in such a hurry?" Zane let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“Liam is on his way to meet Daniel" Kiara's and Heather's eyes both widened.

“Yeah, yesterday he had said he wanted to keep Daniel company, right?" Kiara questioned and Zane tilted his head.

“He just found out that the woman he loves might be carrying his friend's child and he stormed out in the night just to go meet this friend. What do you think is going to happen?" Heather shook her head frantically.


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