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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 133

Daniel narrowed his eyes as he stared at Liam.

“What are you doing here?" Liam tilted his head then let out a scoff.

“What? You're not going to let me in now? You're really going to leave me out here?" Daniel let out a sigh.

“Leave. I should be the only one here" Liam rolled his eyes.

“Yeah yeah, because of the big bad monster, right? Well I'm not going to take very much of your time. I'll be sure to make this quick" Daniel frowned but before he could say anything, Liam pushed past him as he walked into the house.

Daniel let out a sigh before closing the door and turning around to watch Liam walk towards the couch.

“Why are you here?" He questioned as Liam took a seat.

“Come sit down, I want to talk to you" But Daniel didn't move an inch which made Liam laugh.

“Oh? Are you scared of me? What do you think I want to do? Kill you?" Daniel rolled his eyes.

“Get to the point. Why are you here?" Liam leaned on his elbow.

“Yesterday I found out that Heather is pregnant" Daniel's eyes widened as his heart dropped. Heather was pregnant for Liam?

“Oh… congratulations then" Liam hummed.

“Thank you, I guess but there's a problem. She's two weeks pregnant" Daniel furrowed his eyebrows.

“So?" Liam scoffed.

“So? I forgot you are the stupid one" Daniel frowned.

“Watch your mouth. I'm still your Beta" Liam suddenly began to laugh like a lunatic.

“Oh really? You think you have power over me because of that? Why don't you sit down so I can tell you a story" Daniel narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Liam.

“I'd rather be here" Liam smirked.

“Oh really? I thought you had power over me so why are you scared? Do you really think standing by the door will stop me from attacking you?" Daniel's eyes widened which made Liam burst out laughing.

“It was just a joke, Daniel," Daniel let out a sigh.

“What do you want, Liam? Heather wants you, she left me for you so why are you still mad at me?" The look in Liam's eyes suddenly turned dark.

“What do I want? I asked you several times to leave us alone but you refused now she might be pregnant with your fucking child!" Liam thundered making Daniel jump back in shock.

“Wh… what?" Liam stood up from the couch.

“Heather slept with both of us two weeks ago. That means there's a possibility that the baby is yours. I'm sure that makes you happy to hear, right?" As a matter of fact, Daniel was flabbergasted. He had no idea what to say or how to react.

“Listen Liam, it was never my intention to…" Before Daniel could complete his sentence, Liam appeared in front of him with the speed of light, Grabbed him by the neck and threw him across the living room.

Daniel groaned as his body collided with the steel door behind him. He fell to the ground, grimacing then he raised his head to stare at Liam in shock.

“What…" The door suddenly smashed open to reveal Zane and the other Alphas and some warrior wolves.

“Sorry I'm late, Daniel. I didn't expect him to leave so soon" Zane muttered as he turned to Liam who had a smirk on his face.


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