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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 141

“I'm not in support of this, Zane" Daniel muttered as he watched Zane get ready to go meet up with Liam.

“Well too bad, Daniel because I'm doing this" Daniel sighed at his words.

“Okay then why can't I come with you?" Zane sighed then turned around to face Daniel.

“Because even though he hates both of us, he hates you more and might actually try to kill you this time. Don't worry about me, I can handle myself" Daniel frowned.

“You saw what he did to me, Zane. I don't think you can handle him all alone" Zane scoffed.

“Don't underestimate me, Daniel. I trained you and Liam and therefore, I know all your tricks. Besides that, I'm aware he's far more stronger than me now but I'm not going there without a plan. I have only two goals, to taunt him and draw some of his blood" Daniel furrowed his eyebrows.

“His blood? What do you need that for?"

“I had a talk with Anastasia earlier today and since we won't be able to defeat Liam with just mere combat skills, we need to add a little magic, don't you think? She told me we needed some of his blood to create a weapon that can kill him" Daniel's eyes widened with realization.

“That's something I would have never thought about. This is why you're the Alpha, Zane" Before Zane could reply, his phone suddenly rang and his eyes almost popped out of its socket when he saw who it was.

He hurriedly picked up the phone then pressed it against his ear.

“You bastard, I've been trying to reach your phone and…"

“Calm down, Zane. I was kidnapped too" Levi's voice came through which made Zane furrow his eyebrows.

“What? Isn't your father working with Liam?" Levi sighed.

“It's a long story which I'll tell you later. We need to meet up, we have a lot to talk about"

“How's Kiara? Is she there with you? I want to speak with her" Zane hurriedly muttered.

“She's doing okay, Zane and she told me to tell you not to worry about her. I can't give her the phone right now because Liam has his men watching over her like a hawk but just know she's okay" Zane but his lower lip.

“Can I… Can I at least see her? I just… I miss her so much" Levi was quiet on the other end for a while.

“I can't be seen talking to you so let's meet up tomorrow. I'll have my brother video call me so you can see her, okay?" Before Zane could reply, the line was cut off.

“You can relax now since they said she's doing okay" Zane shook his head.

“I can't relax. I need to see her for myself but I'm relieved that Levi is there with her" Daniel smiled.

“Never thought I'd see the day you'd be happy another man was protecting your woman" Zane rolled his eyes.

“Just shut your mouth" Zane reached into his draw and pulled out two daggers.

“Don't wait up for me" Zane muttered as he turned back to Daniel.


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