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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 142

Kiara raised her head as soon as she heard footsteps. She almost heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Levi.

He gave her a glance before turning to Liam's men that were standing besides her.

“Leave us, I need to talk to her alone and get some information" Liam's men glanced at themselves before turning back to Levi.

“I'm sorry, we can't do that Mr Medici. We were specifically told not to let you near her" Levi almost rolled his eyes.

“You don't have to go too far. Just wait outside, I would like to talk to her alone" When they still didn't move, He let out a sigh.

“Get out, now. I won't say it twice" He uttered then pulled out his gun and pointed it at one of them. They glanced at themselves again before letting out a laugh.

“We are wolves, Mr Medici. Your bullet won't hurt us" Levi smirked.

“Oh but my silver bullet certainly will and so will the substance I rubbed on it. You may be wondering what that is, well let's just say it kills wolves in an instant" Their eyes widened and they glanced at themselves again before glancing at Kiara.

“We'll be right outside this room and we are giving you ten minutes" Levi rolled his eyes as they walked out.

After they were gone, he snapped his fingers and Lucien and Sebastian walked in with a tray of food.

“I heard you haven't eaten anything good since you got here and I'm sorry about that. I don't know what my brothers were thinking" Levi muttered as he turned to glare at Lucien and Sebastian.

“To be fair, we weren't really allowed to speak to her for too long since Liam didn't trust us" Levi sighed before turning back to Kiara and began untying her.

“What do you think you're doing?" Kiara questioned as she stared at him with wide eyes.

“You've got to eat, right? I would have fed you but I don't want things to be awkward and I'm still trying to get over you so feeding you would be too intimate" She bit her lower lip but said nothing after that.

After he was done untying her, he handed her the food and she began eating like an animal. It was obvious she was so hungry.

“It feels like I haven't eaten in years" She muttered with a mouth full then was about to stuff another spoon full in her mouth when she began coughing.

Levi immediately jumped up to pay her back then turned to Lucien.

“Water!" Lucien handed him the cup of water and he placed it on Kiara's lips and she immediately drank it.

After she had calmed down, he let out a sigh and handed the cup back to Lucien.

“Be careful, Kiara. You don't want to choke to death now, do you?" She rolled her eyes then resumed eating without saying anything.

“I spoke to Z…." She raised her fingers to stop him from saying to much then motioned towards the door with her eyes.

“They can hear you so be cautious of what you say" She murmured and he nodded slowly.


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