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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 143

Heather groaned slightly as she opened her eyes. Her hand immediately flew to her stomach as her eyes grew wide.

“Don't worry, our baby is okay" She shrieked then turned towards the voice and was shocked to see Liam seated by the side, staring directly at her.

“Why are you always just staring at me like that? And… oh my goddess, is that blood on your shirt?" She questioned with wide eyes.

He stood up from the chair and walked closer to her.

“Don't worry about the blood. How do you feel?" She scoffed.

“What do you mean don't worry about the blood? What happened to you? Did you… did you…" He rolled his eyes.

“Relax. Zane stabbed me and I guess I got soaked in my own blood and part of his" She gasped.

“Zane? He was here? What about Kiara? Did he take her?" Liam sighed.

“No he wasn't here and he didn't take her. I went to meet him and I should have known he was going to fucking outsmart me. Zane isn't someone that should be underestimated" He muttered under his breath.

“I want to see Kiara" Liam frowned then glared down at her.

“You put our child at risk because of her. Don't fucking think I've forgiven you for that" She glared back at him.

“If you hadn't tied her up like an animal then I wouldn't have had to do what I did. She did nothing to you, Liam. She was always good to you so why? Why must you hurt her?" Liam groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“How many fucking times do I have to tell you that she's here because we need her to capture Zane? Do you think if I let her walk around here freely, she won't find a way to reach out to Zane? Stop fucking getting on my nerves and stop talking about Kiara! I've had enough today and I don't want you adding to it!" Heater gasped with her eyes wide as he growled angrily at her.

Goosebumps appeared on her skin and fear began to crawl up her spine. She held the blanket closer to her body and noticing this, Liam's eyes immediately softened.

He grabbed her hand as he sat down on the bed.

“Hey, you know I'll never hurt you,okay? I'm just angry, hmm? Can I get a kiss now? I've had a rough day" He muttered and before she could give him an answer, he leaned down and pressed his lips firmly on hers.

She moaned slightly when his hands began roaming her body.

“I don't think we can do this while I'm pregnant, Liam" Heather muttered as she pulled away from the kiss but Liam just slammed his lips on her neck and she shivered with pleasure.

She shouldn't be letting him do this with her, especially with everything he has done so far.


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