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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 156

There was silence at the other side of the phone. Heather bit her lower lip as she waited for what Daniel wanted to say.

“Why?" She frowned.

“What do you mean why?" She heard him sigh.

“Just a few minutes ago, I was with you and you treated me like I was garbage so why would you want to meet up with me all of a sudden now?" She pursed her lips then let out a sigh.

“I knew it was a mistake to call you. Goodbye, Dan…"

“Wait! Okay okay, where do you want to meet up?" A smile appeared on her face.

“How about we meet at the park?"

“Sounds good. When?"

“Tonight," She uttered.

“Okay, I guess I'll see you there" She nodded to herself before hanging up.

She suddenly shrieked as she felt Liam's hands on her shoulders.

“Good job, my love" He muttered then placed a kiss on her cheek. She slowly turned around to face him with a frown on her face.

“You just want to talk with him right? You want to call off this whole feud right?" Liam smiled then grabbed onto her hand.

“You should rest. You and the baby need it" She stared into his eyes then let out a sigh before laying back on the bed with his help.

“Please Liam, why can't we just leave and start our lives together from scratch? That's what we both wanted before, wasn't it?" He stared at her for a while then took a hold of the blanket and covered her with it.

“Get some rest" He muttered and before she could stop him, he vanished leaving her devastated.

She hoped she didn't make the wrong choice by calling up Daniel.

Levi glanced at the men sitting on each side of him as he thought about a plan in his head. It could either cause him his life or he could get away unharmed.

He took a deep breath before hitting the man beside him with his elbow then swiftly picked up his gun and shot through the other's skull before opening the door and jumping out.

He heard the car screech to a stop behind him but he didn't dare turn around as he stood up from the ground and ran straight into the woods.

“You are a fool for running into the woods, Mr Medici. This is our territory" Levi heard one of the men say, followed by a howl and the stomping of their paws hitting the ground simultaneously.

“Shit!" Levi harshly muttered as he hid behind a large tree. He glanced behind him before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the bullet that was made specifically to kill wolves in an instant. He knew carrying this around was going to come in handy one day.

He heard a growl right behind him so he stepped out from behind the tree and fired the gun straight at the wolf who immediately fell to the ground with a whimper.

Before Levi could run away, one of the wolves pounced on him from behind. Levi fell to the ground with a groan as his gun fell out of his hand.

The wolf aimed to bite his neck but Levi immediately blocked its attempt with his arm then screamed in pain as the wolf's fang dug into his skin before using all his strength to reach for the gun then he shot the wolf right in its skull.

The wolf's brain splatter all over him and he let out a groan before pushing its lifeless body off him.

He took some breaths before getting up from the ground then he reached into his pocket and cussed loudly when he saw that his phone screen had been damaged on impact.


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