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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 157

“Shit!" Zane cussed as he kicked his car tire then ran his fingers through his hair. What was Daniel thinking?! It wasn't safe yet! Was he trying to get himself killed?

He brought out his phone and dialed Leo's number.

“Hurry up and track Daniel's plate number. Report back to me immediately" He didn't even wait to hear what Leo had to say before hanging up.

At that moment, his phone rang making him furrow his eyebrows. Why was a strange calling his phone? Only a few knew this number.

After the third ring, Zane decided to pick up.

“Zane, Liam fucking knows" Zane's eyes widened.

“Levi? Why are you calling with a strange number and what does Liam know?"

“He knows we are working together. He knows our plans. He tried to take me and lock me up but I was able to escape and my phone got destroyed in the process" Zane frowned. Liam knew?

Just then, a message from Leo popped up on Zane's screen and when he read the content, his eyes darkened.

“Levi, come over to the central park immediately. I'm going there now to help Daniel" Zane muttered as he climbed back into his car and started the engine.

“Liam has him, doesn't he?" Zane sighed then stepped on the acceleration.

“Hurry" Zane uttered then hung up.

“Shit Daniel. You better not have died before I get there"

Kiara screamed out in pain as the silver whips landed on her back again.

“Samantha, that's enough" Kiara pleaded as tears missed with blood ran down her cheeks.

Samantha just laughed like manic then walked over to Kiara and grabbed her face, digging her claws into her cheeks.

“I finally have the chance to do what I've always wanted to do to you for years which is hurt you and now you think I'm going to stop? That's a silly joke. The only time I'm going to stop is when you stop breathing" Kiara glared at her.

“Why? Why do you hate me so much? What…what did I ever do to you? Our parents loved you more than they ever loved me. You had more friends than I did and you were a social butterfly back at the pack. Everyone loved you so why?" Heather gritted her teeth.

“Everyone loved me but the man I wanted. I hated the fact that you got to be his mate and I hated the fact that you got to carry his child even though it was short lived. What I wanted was to take everything and leave you with nothing but Zane won't fucking let go of you. Why? You don't even have anything to offer. You're not even half as beautiful as I am" Kiara smirked through the pain.

“Well Zane didn't seem to think so. After spending two damned years with him, you still couldn't get him to fall in love with you" Samantha slapped her across the face.

“You bitch. I'll teach you a lesson for running your mouth" Then she walked over to the little fire they had built on the ground and picked out the burning rod with her gloves on before turning to Kiara with a devilish smirk.

“Sorry sister but this might hurt a little" Kiara eyes grew wide as she shook her head frantically as Samantha took slow steps towards her.

“No no no" Kiara chanted over and over again but before Samantha could hurt her, one of the men spoke.

“I just got a message. Boss wants us all at the park now" Samantha groaned as she turned to him.

“Can't I just finish with this first?" The man shook his head.

“He said we should be there in five minutes" Samantha sighed before dropping the rod on the ground.

“You have been saved by the goddess, Kiara but best believe that when I come back, we are going to kick off from where we stopped. Come on boys" Samantha muttered as she walked out of the room.


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