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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 158

Heather's eyes widened as she stared at Kiara.

“I'm sorry, Kiara. I didn't mean to…"

“We don't have time for this conversation now. We need to cover up the mess you have created. As long as Daniel is there, Zane should be there as well. We need to get there immediately but I don't know what park…"

“They are at the central park," Kiara sighed.

“Then let's go there then" She muttered as she ran out of the room and up the stairs.

“We can't leave, we are both locked in" Heather uttered making Kiara halt in her steps.

“We can't be locked in, there has to be a way out" Kiara uttered as she glanced around. After searching for what felt like minutes, they found out that all the exit doors including the windows were locked. They were really locked in.

“See? I told you" Heather breathed out which made Kiara frown.

“We can't just give up, Heather. Stand back and cover your face" Kiara muttered then grabbed a chair and smashed the window with it.

Heather gasped lightly then gave Kiara a thumbs up.

“I should have never doubted you" Kiara ignored her as she climbed out the window which made Heather frown.

Heather was about to climb out when Kiara stopped her.

“I think it's a good idea if you stay here. We don't want you causing anymore more trouble and I would hate it if anything happened to your child" Heather frowned.

“I know you're mad at me right now but I really want to fix things. I'm not staying here, I'm coming with you despite what you say" Kiara stared at her for a while then let out a sigh.

“Hurry up then" She muttered as she gave Heather a hand and helped her out the window then they ran towards one of the cars.

Kiara broke the window with a rock then opened the door from the inside before turning to Heather.

”Do you still know how to turn on a car without the key?" Heather smirked.

“Of course I do" Heather climbed into the car and after messing around with the wires, the car finally started and she smiled proudly to herself then turned to Kiara who just had a frown on her face.

“Let's go" Kiara muttered as she walked around and got into the passenger seat.

Heather glanced at her then let out a sigh before driving off.

Daniel groaned as Liam landed another slash on his abdomen. He fell to the ground and began to cough out blood.

“Stop fighting it and just give in to death already, Daniel. You're just hurting yourself more" Liam uttered with a smirk then he licked off Daniel's blood from his fingers.


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