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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 165

Levi then walked over to Kiara's bed and placed his hand on Heather's shoulder.

“How is she?" He questioned softly which made Heather sigh.

“She hasn't made any move yet. I hope she wakes up soon" He nodded.

“We all hope so"

“Is there a reason you brought your entourage with you?" Zane suddenly said as he stared at Levi's father and brothers. He could see that Levi's brothers had obtained some minor injuries.

“They won't leave me alone and they said the only way they'd let me come here is if they followed me so here we are" Levi muttered as he scratch the back of his head awkwardly.

It wasn't awkward for his brothers to be this concerned about him but it was very strange to see his father this worried. He had been so reluctant to let Levi get up from the bed earlier.

“Do you have a problem with us following him?" Levi's father uttered as he turned to Zane with raised eyebrow.

“No, I just have a problem with your face" Levi's father scowled while the rest of them tried their hardest not to laugh.

“How dare you be so rude to me?" Zane stared at him with an amused smile on his face.

“Oh? And what are you going to do to me, old man?" Anastasia sighed.

“Can you both cut it out? Now is not that time for that" Levi's father and Zane scoffed while Levi chuckled.

“Don't worry, Father. Zane is rude to everyone except Kiara so don't worry about it" Levi's father just rolled his eyes before walking out of the room.

“Finally" Sebastian muttered as he heaved a sigh of relief. Levi raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged.

“What? Just because you're not scared of him anymore doesn't mean we aren't. That old man is still a menace" Sebastian added and Lucien and Levi agreed.

Even though their father was trying to act like a father now especially to Levi, it wasn't that easy for them to forgive him but Levi decided to tolerate him for the sake of his own sanity.

“Can you all leave? I would like to be alone with Kiara" Zane suddenly uttered, turning their attention to him. He swung his legs off the bed then yanked out the syringe on his hand before walking towards Kiara's bed.

Anastasia gasped as soon as she saw that then she walked towards him with a stern look on her face.


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