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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 166

Zane frowned as he walked into Daniel's hospital room. A tube was attached to him and a lot of beeping sounds could be heard.

Daniel's whole body was bandaged up including his face and his situation looked critical.

Zane walked up to his bed and as soon as he sat down, Heather walked into the room, closing the door behind her.

“I don't mean to disturb you, I just… the doctor said I should monitor the machine" She muttered as she walked over to the machine then she sighed before turning to Daniel and covering him properly with the blanket while Zane watched her quietly.

“What game are you playing at, Heather?" He questioned as she was about to walk away. She paused then let out a sigh.

“I really don't want to…"

“Why are you checking up on him? A few days ago, you seem repulsed by his existence" She bit her lower lip as she clenched her fist.

“That's not it, I…"

“Now that Liam is gone, you think you can just fall back on Daniel, huh?" She scoffed as she turned to Zane with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“I know you don't like me but I'd never stoop so low, Zane. I blame myself for what happened and I blame myself for putting Daniel in this position and that's why I'm trying to make up for it. I don't even expect him to forgive me but for my own sanity, I have to atone for my sins. Did you ever think about how hard this is for me? I lost the love of my life and potentially the father of my unborn child and I can't mourn him or say anything about him because of everything he did so please Zane, please don't make me feel worse than I already feel" She muttered then wiped away the tears as she sniffled.

Zane could see that she has a lot of pent up feelings in her which made him sigh.

“Daniel is like my brother, he is my brother and the best is what I want for him and no matter what happens, I won't let him get back together with you, trust me on that" Heather scoffed as she stared at Zane in disbelief.

“Did you ever ask yourself why I didn't choose Daniel despite the fact that I loved him more than Liam in the beginning? It's because he hurt me, Zane. He never cared about my feelings and I never felt loved when I was with him. Then he went along to tell me that he left me because he thought he was in love with my best friend" Zane furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly stood up from the bed.

“He fell in love with who?" Heather's eyes widened slightly but before she could say anything, Anastasia barged into the room with wide eyes.

“She's awake! And she's asking for you, Zane!" Zane's eyes widened and without wasting a second, he dashed out of the room as he ran towards Kiara's hospital room.

As soon as he laid his eyes on her, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders as his heart swelled with happiness.

He stood there for a while, just admiring how beautiful she was till her soft angelic voice called out his name.

“Zane?" A bright smile appeared on his face as he ran towards her and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

“Oh my love, I missed you so much" He pulled back then began peppering her face with kisses while she giggled.

“That's enough, Zane" She Murmured and he sighed before pulling away. He stared at her for a while then placed a kiss on her cheek.

“We won, my love" Her eyes immediately brightened.

“Really? Liam is dead? How's everyone? Where's Levi? Daniel?" She questioned as she glanced around.

“Yes, Liam is dead and Levi is okay but he must be resting right now. As for Daniel, he's in a coma but we believe he'll wake up soon" Kiara heaved a sigh of relief then turned to Heather with a smile before her eyes trailed down to Heather's stomach.

“And the baby? I hope it's doing okay?" She questioned and Heather nodded slowly with a tight smile.

“It's doing great. It's healthy" Kiara grinned.


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