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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 170

Zane didn't even bother knocking as he pulled Kiara into the Doctor's office.

“Can we have sex?" Zane blurted out and Kiara's eyes widened as her cheeks turned red. Why did Zane have no filter?

“Erm…Alpha Zane, maybe you'd want to take a seat first and…"

“With Kiara's condition, can we have sex?" The doctor sighed.

“Yes you can. As a matter of fact, Sex can help with you guys' situation" Kiara squealed as she turned to Zane with a smile on her face but when she remembered they weren't alone, she hid her face in Zane's chest while he chuckled.

“Before you both leave, can I talk to you?" Zane furrowed his eyebrows as Kiara pulled away to stare at the doctor. She didn't like the tone of his voice.

“Is something wrong?" Zane questioned but the doctor didn't reply. He just pointed at the seats in front of his desk.

Zane sighed then pulled out a chair for Kiara. They both sat down then stared at the doctor eagerly as he pulled out something from inside his drawer.

He placed the ultrasound in front of them then stared intently into their eyes.

“That's your fetus," Kiara gasped loudly. She immediately picked it up then wiped away the tears that rolled down her cheek. It was real, she really was pregnant.

“Why are you crying now,my love?" Zane murmured as he kissed her cheek.

“Doesn't it look perfect? But doctor, what's that peeking out on the side?" Kiara questioned while wiping her tears as she turned to the doctor.

“That's what I wanted to talk about. I heard you decided to go ahead and try to save both you and your child, correct?" Kiara glanced at Zane then nodded.

”Yes, I believe I can do it," The doctor sighed.

“I would have believed you could do it as well if you weren't pregnant with twins" Kiara gasped when Zane abruptly stood up from his chair.

“What the fuck are you talking about?" The doctor sighed.

”Calm down, Zane. I hadn't noticed it in my first ultrasound for some reason but a junior doctor ran another test and the other fetus was found. I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier but…" Zane suddenly grabbed the doctor's collar and lifted him off his chair.

“Zane, stop it" Kiara yelled with tears rolling down her cheeks. She was pregnant with twins? She couldn't believe it.

“What does this mean now?" The doctor gulped.

“She had a 40% percent chance of surviving with the baby before but now that it's twins, there's an even lesser chance. I'm sorry" Kiara held onto her chest as she slowly sat back on the chair.

“That can't be true, that can't be true!" Zane yelled as he tightened his hold on the doctor's neck.

“Zane, that's enough! Let him go, that's enough" Kiara yelled as she grabbed onto Zane's free hand.


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