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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 171

The Queen of witches sighed as she turned to Anastasia.

“You shouldn't meddle in their life, Anastasia" She muttered as she walked over to her altar and Anastasia immediately followed her.

“They need our help. I can't just wash everything unfold without even helping them once, can I? What kind of friend does that make me?" The Queen of witches tilted her head.

“You do know that if she was meant to die along with the children and you save her, you might lose your powers right? Saving someone's life is not what we spell witches do" Anatasia frowned.

“Okay but what if I get my hands on one of those healing witches?" The Queen of witches scoffed.

“I have never seen them and you think you can? You are welcome to try though" Anastasia sighed.

“But if I manage to find one, then will you help me out?" The Queen of witches stared at her for a while then sighed.

“If you can find a healer witch, I'll help you but if you don't, You'd let Alpha Zane and his girl do this on their own, got it? I'm just looking out for you, Anastasia. Of course you can help her relieve her pains but you can't save her life" Anastasia frowned then bowed her head.

“I'll be on my way now" Then she vanished.

The Doctor finished examining Kiara then sighed as he turned to Zane.

“She's fine, she just needs to rest more and she should please stop stressing herself, it won't be good for her condition" Zane furrowed his eyebrows.

“Didn't you hear the way she screamed? That didn't sound like she was fine" The doctor sighed again.

“Sadly, those pains are going to get worse till she finally gives birth. You just have to stay with her and help her breathe thoroughly till the pain passes. Also…" The doctor muttered as he reached into his pocket and pulled out something before handing it to Zane.

“Rub this on her stomach every night. It's a cooling gel and might help with the pain. This is the most I can do for now. Please excuse me" He muttered then walked out of the room.

“I can't believe she's having twins now" Heather muttered as she slowly walked towards the bed and sat down.

“You guys have super hearing or whatever, right? Aren't you supposed to be able to hear their heartbeats?" Levi questioned with pure confusion on his face.

“It seems like her wolf is either concealing their heartbeats or Kiara is doing so subconsciously" Zane muttered as he walked towards the night stand and placed the cooling gel on it.

He sighed tiredly as he dragged her palm along his face.

“It's going to be okay, alright?" Levi tried calming Zane down but just got a scoff in return.

“Nothing is going to be okay, Levi. The doctor said she has an even lesser chance of surviving with the babies and Kiara won't…" Zane groaned loudly with his head in his hand before plopping down on the couch behind him.

“Are we really going to let her go through with this? I don't have a good feeling about this, Zane" Heather muttered as she drew soothing circles on Kiara's palm.

“I really just want this to be over. I just… I'm so tired" Zane muttered softly as he covered his eyes with his hand. He was conflicted.


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