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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 172

Heather walked into Daniel's hospital room with a sigh. Not only was she worried about Kiara but she was also worried about Daniel as well.

“I wonder if you'd be able to give Zane the strength he deserves now since you both are so close" She murmured as she checked the machine before sitting down on his bed.

“Things are not getting better for them and I can't help but get worried. No matter what, Kiara is going to want to go along with this despite all the stop signs and all we can do is stand and watch everything unfold. Everyday I wake up and wish I was the one having complications, not her. She doesn't deserve that but I certainly do" She murmured then sighed before turning to Daniel.

“Please Wake up. I didn't want to say this but I need the emotional support as well and I know it's selfish and stupid of me to want if from you because of everything that has happened but I can't seek emotional support from anyone else right now" She stared up at the ceiling as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“The doctor told me that I might start having complications with my pregnancy if I don't get enough rest but everytime I try to close my eyes, all I see is death. How can I sleep that way? Everything is such a mess" She murmured then held her head in her hand as she cried.

They all thought after they had defeated Liam, everything was going to go back to normal but how wrong were they?

She sniffled then turned to Daniel and gasped when she saw his finger move.

“Daniel?" She called as she stood up from the bed. Just then, the Machine began to beep wildly while Daniel began to shake on the bed.

“Doctor!" Heather immediately called out as she ran out of the hospital room. Seconds later, she came back in with the doctor and some nurses and watched in horror as they tried to calm Daniel now.

“What's wrong? Did I do something to him? Is he okay?" She questioned as she bit her nails nervously.

“His brain waves are moving again, that means he's waking up" Heather's eyes brightened as she let out a sigh of relief.

Tears of joy sprang out of her eyes as she squatted. The nurses immediately rushed up to her to help her up.

“It's a good thing you talk with him everyday, miss Swift. You just saved his life" The doctor's words made her cry even more.

She glanced at Daniel and began laughing through the tears. At least that was one good news they all heard in the few days.

“His vitals are all good and his pulse has returned back to normal. Now, it's just up to him to wake up when he wants to" The doctor muttered then excused himself as he walked out of the hospital room with the nurses behind him.

Heather immediately walked up to the bed and grabbed Daniel's hand.

“Wake up Daniel. I think Zane really needs you right now"

The next morning, Kiara woke up to Zane softly playing with her hair. She turned to him with a smile then placed a kiss on his lips.

“Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?" He questioned as he caressed her cheek.

“Yes, I did. Do you want to know what my dream was about?" She questioned and he nodded.

“Go on, my love" She grinned then sighed as he stared up at the sigh.


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