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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 178

Kiara’s eyelids fluttered open and a smile adorned her face when she saw Zane laying next to her fast asleep with his arms around her.

She slowly turned around in his arms so she was facing him before placing a kiss on his lips then on his nose then on the lips again.

“Hmm, continue” He murmured as she pulled her closer and she giggled.

“I’m hungry” He sighed as he slowly opened his eyes.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get you what you wanted to eat. I was already there but then Heather called and…”

“I didn’t say I was hungry for food” She muttered as she moved closer to him and bit her lower lips seductively.

Zane’s eyes trailed down to her lips and without wasting time, he slammed his lips on hers as his hand roamed her body feverishly.

“Make love to me, Zane” She murmured then sat up and began taking off her hospital gown.

As Zane watched her, he practically had to stop himself from drooling. How did he get so lucky?

He was about to reach forward and capture her boob in his mouth when Daniel barged in.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry” Kiara gasped and immediately covered herself with the blanket while Zane groaned.

“Get out,” He muttered.

“No, it has been so long since you both had a conversation so I think I should be the one to leave. Besides, I’m tired of lying down here” She murmured, making Zane sigh.

He adjusted his trouser before turning to Daniel with a glare.

“Will you turn around so she can dress up?” Daniel laughed nervously before slowly turning around with his crutches.

After Kiara was done dressing up, she was about to climb out of the bed when Zane grabbed her hand with a worried look on his face.

“Don’t go too far, okay? And if something is wrong, call out my name immediately” She rolled her eyes but nodded before climbing out of the bed and walking out of the room.

“Nice to see that you’re happy to see me” Daniel muttered sarcastically as he walked closer to the bed and slowly sat down.

“Did a near death experience turn you into a sarcastic jerk?” Daniel chuckled.

“Pretty much. So tell me what’s going on. I would have asked Heather but she hasn’t really been speaking to me” Zane raised an eyebrow then chuckled.

“I can’t believe you two used to date. You’re both childish” Daniel rolled his eyes.

“Can we nor go off topic? I really want to know what’s going on” Zane sighed.

“Kiara is pregnant with twins for one” Daniel gasped with his eyes wide.

“What? That’s good news then but why is everyone so gloomy?” Zane sighed.

“Because the doctor said there’s practically a non-existent chance of her surviving with the babies. One of them has to go” Daniel choked on his spit.

“I’m sorry, what? What are you going to do about it? Is she going to go ahead and give birth to them?” Zane nodded.

“Yes she is. Kiara would never give up on our children and that’s why we are all finding ways to help her pregnancy run smoothly but there’s a lot of complications. She feels agonizing pain almost everyday and that’s why I got her those pills my mother used to use when she was in pain as well” Daniel furrowed his eyebrows.

“Those pills that she practically got addicted to? Zane, those pills are like drugs. What if…”

“If it’s going to help Kiara with the pain then I’m willing to try anything” Daniel stared at him for a while then sighed before placing his hand on his shoulder.


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