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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 179

“Did you see? That woman tried to pick on me. Did she think I was going to let her go because I'm pregnant?" Kiara muttered as she wrapped her arms around him.

He chuckled as he pushed the hair that had fallen over her face, behind her ear.

“I'm not sure she knew you were pregnant but I'm glad you stood up for yourself" Kiara hummed before staring up at him.

“What are you doing here anyways and how did you find me?" He shrugged.

“I just had a feeling you'd be somewhere babies were and obviously, I came looking for you. Let's head back. I've already asked someone to bring the food you wanted to you" She grinned then clapped her hand excitedly before letting him lead her back to the room.

“Did you finish having your conversation with Daniel? How did it go?" He turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

“Why are you asking me that?" She sighed.

”Because I just feel like you have been wanting a friend by your side ever since this situation started" Zane sighed and he turned to face Kiara fully.

“You're my best friend, don't you know that? When I'm with you, I need no one else and yes, I did miss Daniel but your company is all I need right now, okay?" She smiled then nodded.

“Okay" He kissed her lips before leading her back to the room.

Later on, The food arrived and she ate along with Heather while talking about anything and everything.

Zane was just seated beside Kiara, listening in to their conversation and occasionally laughing at some of Kiara's Jokes.

After a while, he fell asleep and by the time he woke up, it was late at night.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Kiara standing by the mirror with a small pillow inside her gown, imitating a baby bump.

She giggled to herself as she rubbed her tummy slightly then as if feeling his gaze, she turned around with wide eyes then pulled out the pillow from inside her gown and threw it away before laughing awkwardly.

”I just wanted to see how it would look on me" She murmured. They stared at each other for what felt like minutes before Zane got out of bed and walked up to her.

As soon as he was close enough, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips.

“I'm sorry about Nikolas" He muttered then placed his head on her neck as he cried.

She immediately wrapped her arms around him as she bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying.

“It's okay" He shook his head.

“It's not okay, Kiara. I stripped you of the right of being a mother even after knowing how long you have dreamt of being a mother. I'm so sorry my love" She caressed his back.

“Neither you nor I knew I was going to lose the baby. I wished the circumstances had been different but right now, I can't lose these ones. My mental health won't be able to take it and that's why despite the pain I feel everything because of them, I just take it a sign that one day, they'll be out in this world with us and they'll bring us so much joy" Zane sniffled as he snuggled into her neck.

“I really wished the situation was different, Kiara" She nodded as she patted his back.

“Same here, my love but we'll get through it together. Hmm?" He nodded then sniffled before pulling away from her.

He glanced down at her with a smile.

“A baby bump looks good on you" She smiled brightly as she wiped away her tears.


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