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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 181

Kiara's vision was hazy as she opened her eyes slowly. She stared up the ceiling for a while till everything came crashing down on her.

She sat up quickly with a gasp as she held onto her stomach.

“My babies!" She screamed then turned to the side and saw Zane seated there just staring at her.

“Zane, please… please, don't tell me you…"

“Relax, I didn't get rid of them" He murmured and her eyes widened.

“You… you didn't? But you said…"

“I would never do anything against your will, Kiara. Besides, I'm not a monster. I agree that it did cross my mind to get rid of them to relieve you of your pain but they are my kids too. I didn't have the heart to do it" He murmured softly then let out a tired sigh and her heart ached as she stared at him.

She immediately bursted out crying as she remembered what she had said and how she had behaved because he had refused to give her the pill.

“I'm so sorry, my love. Everything is such a mess and now I'm stressing you and making your life miserable and…"

“Shhhh, you're not making my life miserable, Kiara. Never think that" Zane muttered as he rushed up to her and wrapped his arms around her as she cried on his chest.

“I can see it on your face, Zane. I can see just how tired you are because of this situation and I feel so bad because I'm the cause of your stress. I'm making you unhappy, am I not? I don't mean to make you unhappy, that's the last thing I want" She cried out and he tried to soothe her.

“My love, you're not making me unhappy. Why do you think that? Yes, I won't lie that I'm tired and unhappy about the situation you're going through but you're not making me unhappy, Kiara" She shook her head.

“I am because I'm so weak. If I was strong enough to handle the pain then you wouldn't have had to give me that pill in the first place" Zane sighed as he patted her back.

“That's enough, okay? It's no one's fault and you're the strongest woman I know for wanting to go ahead with this despite the amount of pain you go through everyday. I admire you a lot, Kiara and the fact that you're willing to fight for our children is the only thing that's giving me strength to keep going. Our kids better be hella grateful when they come out or they're going to receive whooping from me" Kiara giggled as she slapped his chest playfully.

“You are not going to whoop our kids and they're fighting for their lives as well. See?" She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach.

When he felt it move, Zane's eyes immediately brightened up and he stared down at her with wide eyes. Kiara laughed wholeheartedly with tears at the brim of her eyes.

“Isn't that wonderful?" She said in almost a whisper and he nodded.

“That's extraordinary, my love" He murmured then placed a kiss on her forehead as he caressed her stomach.

She placed her hand on his before raising her head to stare at him.

“I think this is their way of cheering us on, Zane. We can't give up on them, I'll try my best to endure the pain without the pills and I'll try my best not to be a whiny bitch anymore" Zane chuckled then placed a kiss on her lips before pulling her closer.

“We'll get through this, I just know it"

Anastasia groaned loudly as she sat down on the boulder. She felt like she has been searching for years and has still not been able to find any healer witch. Just how good were they at hiding?

She stared up at the sky as it rumbled. It seemed like it was about to rain so she had to find shelter somewhere.


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