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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 182

Heather watched Daniel from the corner of her eye as he tucked her into bed.

“Haven't I asked you to stop doing this?" She muttered but he just ignored and before fluffing another pillow then placed it under her swollen feet.

“Rest, okay? I'll go get you food and…"

“Daniel, please stop it. You don't have to take care of me just because I took care of you" Daniel paused then sighed as he turned to her.

“I'm not just taking care of you because you took care of me, Heather. This baby might be mine and even if it isn't, I wouldn't still want anything to happen to it and right now, you need someone to help you" She sighed.

“But the nurses can do that" He shrugged.

“Well I volunteered just like you volunteered to stay at the hospital just so you can be here with Kiara," Heather pursed her lips.

She was supposed to have left the hospital months ago but she didn't just want to leave her friend during this trying time of her life so she decided to stay back and the doctors weren't against it.

“Still, I can do certain things by myself like fluffing my own pillow" He rolled his eyes with a slight smile on his face.

“You are always taking care of everyone, now let me take care of you" She sighed knowing arguing with Daniel was not going to be futile.

Plus, she didn't want to admit it but it felt nice being taken care of.

“What would you like to eat? Anything you want, I'll go get it for you" Heather was about to say she didn't want anything but before she could think about it, something else came flying out of her mouth.

“I want spaghetti, Bolognese to be exact and two or three meatballs. Then I would like a tub of ice cream and a medium pizza, thank you" She murmured then flashed him a smile which made him chuckle.

“Oh my goddess, it seems the little boy inside there has an appetite" He murmured playfully as he rubbed her tummy slightly. That reflex action made Heather's stomach flutter a little but it might just have been the baby.

“Yes, blame it on the baby" She rolled her eyes as soon as she heard her wolf's voice in her head.

“Why are you assuming it's a boy? A girl can have such an appetite as well" He shrugged.

“I just have a feeling it's a boy" She scoffed.

“Well, I think it's a girl" She also felt like it was going to be a boy but she didn't want to agree with Daniel for some reason.

“Why don't we wait till it's out? Why don't we put a bet on it?" She raised an eyebrow.

“You want to bet on our child's gender?" Daniel froze slightly then a bright smile appeared on his face.

“This is the first time you have ever called the baby ours" She frowned then cleared her throat.

“Well, you could be the father" she murmured as she turned away from him but abruptly turned back to stare at him with wide questioning eyes as he grabbed her hand.

“Even if the baby is Liam's, I'd still like to raise it like my own" She stared at him for a while then gently yanked her hand out of his, making him frown.


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