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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 186

Daniel sighed as he listened to what Zane had to say through the mind link and at that moment, Levi barged into the room.

[I don't think I feel comfortable leaving Heather all by herself, she's pregnant too] He mind linked back.

[Please just do this, you'll be back immediately] Daniel sighed as he turned to Levi.

“I heard you want to go find Anastasia," Levi nodded.

“Kiara needs her right now and she's taking too long. We need to know if she can do it or not so we'll look for another option" Daniel ran his fingers through his hair as he glanced at Heather who was staring at them with curious eyes.

“I don't think I can leave Heather here all by herself," Daniel muttered.

“Of course you can and I won't be alone. One of the nurses will come watch over me" Daniel frowned.

“But I don't trust them. What if they don't attend to your needs properly?" Heather sighed.

“Daniel, this has to do with Kiara and if you helping Levi to find Anastasia is going to do Kiara any good then you have to find her" Daniel sighed.

“You don't have to follow me to search for Anastasia. I just need to know the Coven and I'll do the rest from there" Daniel sighed.

“Okay but we need to be quick. I'll have a nurse come in here to be with you and she won't be allowed to leave your side" Daniel muttered, earning a smile from Heather.

“Anything you want. Just help Kiara" Daniel nodded then turned to Levi.

“Let's go then"


“So why are you doing this again?" Daniel questioned as he drove Levi to the coven.

“Isn't it obvious? I want to help Kiara and maybe sort of lift the burden off Zane. They have both been kind of down lately and as much as I hate them being lovey dovey with each other, I'd prefer that over them being this way any day" Levi muttered earning him a smile from Daniel.

“Who would have thought you would actually care for Zane? Aren't you in love with Kiara anymore?" Levi rolled his eyes.

“See, I'm not a monster, okay? I love Kiara and that's why I'm willing to help but I can also notice when someone else is suffering as well. Zane is not a bad guy, it would have been easier to hate him but he really isn't and he makes Kiara happy and that's all that matters to me. I'll find love one day but obviously, it isn't with Kiara" Levi sighed sadly as he stared out the window.

He didn't want to admit it but right from the start, he knew Kiara was never going to be his because it was obvious her heart yearned for another but he kept holding on to hope, hoping a miracle would happen and she'd eventually fall in love with him but he should have known better.

It was hard to fall out of love with one's first true love and that was something he was going to have to get over If he ever intended on loving someone else.

“I know your intentions mean well, it has always meant well. Just don't get to be Zane's best friend, alright? He's my best friend and I don't like sharing" Levi chuckled.

“We are far from friends. He hasn't even accepted that he's my cousin yet" Daniel smiled.

“He has. He has acknowledged you already, he just doesn't want to admit it and don't expect him to because he's never going to say it out loud" Levi chuckled.

“I'll make him say it out loud"

“Good luck"

They arrived at the coven soon after and Levi wasn't surprised that the coven was in the wolves. In most witches' folktales, they were in the woods.

“So where are they?" Levi questioned as he glanced around. All there was were trees and greenery.

“Patience is a virtue" Daniel muttered as he walked towards a huge tree, the biggest tree Levi had ever seen, and gave it a slight knock.

“What the fuck are you doing?" Levi questioned as he stared at him with confusion written on his face.


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