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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 25

Chapter twenty five

Kiara groaned as she slowly opened up her eyes and let out a yawn. She furrowed her eyebrows when she felt the soft bed below her. How did she get here?

She tried getting up and that was when she noticed the arm on her waist, holding onto her tightly.

She instantly screamed as she pushed his arm away.

"Why am I in bed with you and how did I get here?" Zane groaned as he rolled on the bed.

"Isn't too early for you to be so loud, Love?" She rolled her eyes then glanced down at herself and was relieved to see she was still wearing her clothes.

"Why am I here, Zane?" He sighed then opened his eyes slowly to stare at her.

"Can you calm down? I don't know what you take me for but I would never touch you without your consent" She scoffed.

"You were touching me earlier without my consent" He rolled his eyes then slowly sat up.

"As a matter of fact, you should be thanking me. You almost hit your head earlier and I was the one who saved you" She scowled.

"No one asked you to’ He stared at her in disbelief.

"Alright then. Next time, I'll leave you to have a concussion" She huffed as she climbed out of the bed.

"If you hadn't dragged me into this Jet, none of that would have happened" Zane sighed.

"Well too bad then. You know, we can both make this trip bearable for both of us if we at least pretend to get along. Stop trying to pick a fight with me all the time" She shook her head.

‘The only thing you can do to make this bearable is leaving me alone" Zane climbed out of the bed then folded his arm.

‘That's not going to happen and you know that" She rolled her eyes and was about to walk out of the room when he grabbed her hand.

"Let go of me!" She screamed but he just held onto her tightly while staring down at her face.

"I have a lot of activities planned for us in Paris, I hope you're ready" She furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at him in disbelief. Didn't he just hear what she said? She couldn't stand his presence and he thought she was going to hang out with him? In his dreams!

"Listen, when this plane lands, I'm going on my Vacation and you can go on yours" He scoffed as a sly smile appeared on his face.

"Before you do that there's something you need to know. I had your card restricted in the meantime so you have no means of fending yourself here except through me" Kiara's eyes widened as she gasped.

‘What did you just say? You can't do that!" He grinned.

"I have connections, love. Now if you don't want to die or be stranded here then I suggest you learn to tolerate me and I promise to make you happy during this vacation" She stared into his eyes then raised her chin with defiance.

T'd rather sleep under the bridge" Zane laughed then tilted his head at her.

"Really? If that's what you want then when this plane lands, you can go" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I... I can?" Zane nodded then walked out of the room, leaving her standing there.

After a while, she walked out of the room and saw Zane seated on a chair, cross legged with his phone in his hand.

She ignored him and walked over to another chair and sat down with a sigh.

Seconds later, the flight attendants came in with some food and placed it in front of Kiara. One glance at it and her stomach instantly rumbled.

“Oh I'm not hungry" She muttered to the flight attendant even though everyone clearly heard her stomach. The flight attendant turned to Zane for help and he just dismissed her before turning to Kiara.


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