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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 26

Chapter twenty six

Zane snapped his fingers and immediately, some men rushed towards the car and grabbed her luggage.

"Are you okay?’ She turned her attention to Zane and saw the worry in his eyes. She nodded slowly and he let out a sigh before grabbing her head and inspecting it for any injuries.

"I should have never let you leave the airport on your own. Why do you always have to be so stubborn?" He scolded with a scowl on his face which made her roll her eyes and swat his hand away.

"If you hadn't stolen my wallet, I wouldn't have been in this situation, would I? What are you doing here anyway?" He sighed.

"Now is not the time for your tantrums. Get in my car, you're coming with me’ Kiara shook her head then moved away from him with a frown on her face.

"Didn't you hear what I said earlier? I said I'd rather sleep under the bridge than to stay with you" Zane ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

"I'm sorry, didn't what just happened faze you? It will surely happen again because you have no money to feed or take care of yourself. Stop being stubborn and just come with me" Kiara glanced around and noticed almost everyone was staring at them.

"Can you stop? Everyone is staring at us" She Whispered to Zane as her cheeks turned pink with Embarrassment.

"Oh you don't like embarrassment, huh?" Zane uttered with a smirk then moved closer to her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Come with me and I'll not disgrace you but if you continue to be stubborn, you leave me no choice’ Kiara pursed her lips.

"If you embarrass me, you'll only be embarrassing yourself as well" He grinned.

"I don't mind. What do you say?" When he saw that she didn't say anything, he turned to the crowd and yelled.

"Can someone please tell my wife to stop being stubborn? She's allowing someone as handsome as me to stand under this hot Paris sun" Kiara grabbed his hand as she turned red with Embarrassment when the women around started agreeing with Zane. She even heard a few say he could do so much more better than her which made her scowl.

"I'm not his wife! I don't even know him" Zane winced dramatically and held onto his heart.

"Can you see how she's denying me now? All because I want what's best for her’ The murmurs began again and although most of them were speaking French, she knew when a curse word was being uttered.

"Fine, I'll go with you" She muttered with a scowl and he grinned then pinched her cheek lightly. 1

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Before she could think, he placed a kiss on her cheek and all the women, including older ones, gushed over them.

She groaned out of embarrassment then held his hand and dragged him towards his car.

"Get in" She muttered then opened the door and literally flew in trying to hide away from the eyes staring at them which made Zane chuckle. 1

He threw a wink at all the women who began to gush about how handsome he was as he climbed into the car.

Seconds later, the driver drove off.


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