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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 83

The three of them stared at Zane with wide eyes, unable to phantom what he had just said.

“Heather, I and Levi should stay with you at your mansion?" Kiara questioned like she hadn't heard him well the first time. He tilted his head at her then nodded.

“Yes, that's what I just said" She frowned.

“No" He raised an eyebrow.

“No?" She nodded.

“I don't think Levi will get comfortable moving into your mansion while he…" Zane suddenly groaned, cutting her sentence short.

“Can you please stop talking about him in front of me? I'm worried about you and I could care less what happened to him" She sighed.

“Well I care about him and I know he's going to be very uncomfortable staying at that mansion especially with the kind of person you are" Zane scoffed.

“The kind of person I am? And what's that supposed to mean exactly?" Daniel and Heather just stood still, watching the pair bicker like old married couples.

“Oh? You really want me to tell you? You and I both know that you're going to make him so uncomfortable that he'll be begging to leave" Zane grinned.

“Oh my Love, you know me so well" She rolled her eyes.

“I don't want him to be uncomfortable because I'll be uncomfortable as well and everything is just going to be a mess. The three of us can't live together under the same roof" Zane opened his mouth to say something but his eyes Suddenly trailed behind her and it turned cold when he saw Levi behind Heather.

“What roof? I'm sorry I couldn't get here quicker, the road is a mess right now. Did something happen?" Heather turned towards Levi with a smile.

“Great, you're here. I was getting bored anyway. Let's go, Kiara" Heather uttered then made a move to grab Kiara's hand but the look Zane threw at her made her blood run cold.

“Kiara, I suggest you get your friend in check because she's really starting to annoy me" Kiara raised an eyebrow.

“She and I are a package deal so if you want to be close to me, get used to her attitude" Heather smirked then folded her arms as she stared at Zane. He couldn't do anything to her as long as Kiara was here.

“Can someone please tell me what's going on?" They all turned to Levi who had a confused look on his face.

“Since Levi is here, why don't we let him speak for himself for a change?" Kiara furrowed her eyebrows as she turned to Zane.

‘What are you going to tell him? That there's a scary monster out and about in the country killing anyone in its path?' She immediately mind linked Zane and he tilted his head. Well that was the truth, what else did she expect him to say?

“Listen, Levi. I'm going to try saying things as slowly as I can so you can understand me properly" Everyone rolled their eyes except Levi who still seemed confused.

“Is something going on?"

“There's a monster running loose in the country" Levi paused for a while, trying to comprehend what he had just heard.

“I'm sorry, did you say a monster?" Zane sighed as he massaged his temples.


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