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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 84

“Home sweet home I guess" Zane muttered as they walked into his mansion. Kiara's mouth laid agape as she took in the sight in front of her. This house reminded her of the house they always used to talk about when they were planning on building a house together. Could it be…

She turned to Zane and he immediately flashed her a smile.

“Do you like it? I made sure to include everything you wanted but still make it have a homely feeling to it" He mind linked while taking slow steps towards her. She stared at him for a while then took a deep breath before glancing around. She hadn't thought this through at all.

Only the goddess knew when they would be able to catch the monster. It could take months, how was she going to get over Zane if he was beside her 24/7?

“This place is nice… decent but not better than my mansion" Levi suddenly spoke up as he walked over to Kiara. Zane rolled his eyes at him.

“I don't remember asking for you opinion, pretty boy and if you must know, Kiara over here designed this house as well" Levi's eyes widened slightly then he glanced down at her.

“Really? You did?" She nodded with a smile.

“But I get what you mean, it's so out of style now and your mansion is much better" Zane frowned. That had to be a joke right? Was she doing this purposely to rile him up because it was working too well.

“Are we really going to staying here in the meantime?" Heather questioned with a frown on her face.

“Yes Heather just until they have caught the monster" Heather turned to Zane.

“It's just going to be me, you, Kiara and Levi, right?" Zane nodded and she heaved a sigh of relief.

“With Daniel and Liam" He added, making Heather frown. Just then, Daniel walked into the mansion with his usual nonchalant look on his face.

“I can't get to Liam, he isn't picking up" Daniel reported making Zane frown.

“Track down his location and drag him back here. I won't tolerate such behavior from him" Daniel nodded and was about to walk away when Heather spoke up.

“I just talked to him and he said he'll be here soon" Daniel turned to her with a frown.

“How come he didn't reply to me?" She ignored his question and just dialed Liam's number. He picked almost instantly.

“Hey" She smiled when she heard his voice.

“Hey, When are you getting here? Zane is already ordering Daniel to track you down" He sighed.

“I'm right outside" Just then, he walked in and refused to look anyone in the eyes. Heather walked up to him and grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Hey, is everything okay?" He smiled at her then nodded.

“Yeah I just need to speak with Zane and Daniel for a while" She frowned.

“Why? Did they do something to you? Because if they did, I…"

“No, it's nothing like that, don't worry about it, okay?" She frowned but didn't question any further.

“Who's going to take us to our rooms? I'm getting kind of tired" Kiara muttered as she stared at Zane.

“I'll lead you to your room. Daniel, lead the rest up to theirs" Zane muttered then immediately grabbed Kiara's hand and led her upstairs before she could protest.

Levi watched them walk away then let out a sigh before turning to Daniel.


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