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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 92

Zane slumped down on his bed with a sigh. Ever since they found that attic, he had busied himself with trying to find that monster to get his mind off Kiara and it worked for a while but now that he was back, she was all he could think about.

He sighed then sat up straight before glancing outside. It was getting dark outside so he had spent the whole day searching for that monster but for some reason, it was like the monster vanished Into thin air.

They knew now that the monster could change into a human and that was what was going to make it harder for them to catch it. He ran his fingers through his hair as he stood up from the bed and walked over to the window. What could Kiara be doing now?

He really wanted to call her because he wanted to hear her voice so badly but he promised himself he was going to give her time. He just hated the fact that she had to take her time in Levi's house.

He rolled his eyes when a knock sounded at his door.

“What do you want?" The door opened up slightly and Liam's head peeped through.

“Can I come in?" Zane sighed.

“If you here to apologize again, I don't want to hear it" Liam shook his head as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

“No, that's not why I'm here. I heard you guys went on an adventure to catch the monster, why wasn't I invited?" Zane shrugged.

“Maybe because you and Daniel are having problems" Liam frowned.

“I'm not having problems with him, he just wants to pick a fight with me" Zane rolled his eyes.

“I don't want to hear about it. I have a lot on my mind already" Liam sighed.

“I just want to be invited next time. You know I love adventures" Zane nodded and was about to say something when his phone rang. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the caller Id. He immediately picked up and pressed the phone against his ear.

“Is she okay?" He questioned immediately.

“Yes, she's perfectly fine, Alpha Zane. We have eyes on her 24/7 but I just felt like I should report this to you" Zane furrowed his eyebrows.

“What is it?"

“She's not staying in Mr Medici Villa, nor is she staying at her old apartment" Zane frowned.

“Then where is she?!" Liam's eyes widened when Zane yelled.

“She's staying at a new house. The area is pretty nice and we never let her out of our sight" Zane was confused.

“A new house? Owned by who?"

“This house is under hers and Miss Heather Swift's name, Alpha" Zane furrowed his eyebrows. Kiara had bought a new house?

“Is Heather there?"

“No, Miss Kiara is all alone" Zane's eyes widened.


“That I do not know, Alpha" Zane ran his fingers through his hair.


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