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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 93

Liam sighed as he watched Zane chug down another glass of alcohol.

“Zane, can you stop this?" Liam murmured but Zane just ignored him and kept chugging down glass after glass.

“Fuck it" Liam uttered then brought out his phone and dialed Daniel's number. After several rings, Daniel finally picked up.

“What is it?" Liam sighed.

“Zane is drinking again. He has already drunk ten glasses of whiskey" Daniel sighed.

“What happened? Let me guess, it has something to do with Kiara?" Liam hummed.

“He saw her hugging Levi" Zane suddenly scoffed.

“She should be hugging me, I'm the only one she's allowed to hug. Me and me alone" He slurred then chugged down the glass in his hand. Liam sighed then turned his attention back to Daniel.

“I hope you heard that"

“I did. Share me the location, I'll be there as soon as possible" Liam nodded then hung up before sharing his location. After that, he walked over to the bar Zane was sitting at and sat down next to him.

“Zane, don't do this to yourself. You are going to hate the consequence tomorrow" Zane turned to him.

“Are you Kiara?" Liam furrowed his eyebrows.


“Then don't fucking tell me what to do" Zane muttered with a pout then went back to his drink making Liam sigh.

Just then, some ladies walked over and began touching Zane's arm and shoulder.

“Do you want some company? We couldn't help but notice you from afar" One of them murmured sexily as her hand slid up and Down his arm. He slowly turned to her with no emotion in his eyes.

“If you don't get your hands off me in the next five seconds, you won't be leaving here with your limbs" The lady gasped as she jumped away from him while Zane just went back to his drink like he hadn't just threatened someone's life.

The ladies muttered something under their breath before walking away.

“Sorry, he's going through heartbreak" Liam said as they walked away then turned to Zane.

“Can you not threaten anyone, at least for today?" Zane ignored him, making him sigh.

“What did I miss?" Liam turned towards the voice and he has never been so happy to see Daniel. He walked over to Daniel and wrapped his arms around him.

“Oh goddess, you don't know how happy I am to see you here" Daniel grimaced and tried pushing him away but Liam was holding on to him tightly.

“Okay I get it, now can you leave me alone?" Liam nodded as he let go of him then they both turned to Zane who was muttering Kiara's name as he drank.

“Gosh, it's really bad," Daniel muttered.

“Yes and he's your problem now. I've got to go now, bye" Daniel grabbed Liam's hand before he could get away.

“Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Liam scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Erm… I have to go see someone but you can take care of him right? Okay bye" Liam yanked his hand out of Daniel's hold and immediately ran out of the club before Daniel could stop him.

Daniel frowned. Could he be going to meet Heather?

“I want Kiara, I want to hold her. I miss her so much" Daniel turned to Zane as soon as he heard his voice then he sighed before walking towards him.

“If you miss her so much, go to her" Zane shook his head.

“She hates me, she doesn't even want to look at me. I hate myself for destroying what we had, I'm such a fool" Daniel nodded slowly.


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