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Madam, the CEO Regrets It (Abby and Jason) novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Miss Sunny, your family didn't come with you?"

Abby Sunny was confused by the question. She came here to pick up her medical report, why would she need her family here for that?

Besides…she had no family.

Her mother died giving birth to her; her father used her as a cash cow; and her brother hated her for getting their mother killed.

And her husband…he wasn't even rightfully hers.

She had forced him into the relationship.

She had long forgotten what "family" meant…if the doctor didn't bring the word up.

Snapping herself out of the memories, Abby shook her head: "It's just me."

The doctor frowned at the answer. He sighed with pity before adjusting his eyeglasses, and handing Abby her medical report.

"Ms Sunny, I regret to inform you, the situation at hand is a grave one. I want you to be prepared before you read that report."

The doctor spoke with a soft voice, as if afraid that she couldn't handle it.

Abby gasped in alarm. She flipped through the medical report, her eyes taking in all the indexes and pictures…and there it was, at the bottom of the last page…


It didn't take an expert to figure out how bad it was. Everyone knew. Cancer was just a crony of death.

She knew there was something wrong, but she didn't expect it would be so terribly wrong.

The doctor began to explain the indexes, but Abby already zoned out. She only heard his last sentence, that she needed chemotherapy immediately.

How much longer could you live with advanced cancer?

Abby knew it better than anyone else. Her grandfather died after struggling with it for two years.

The doctor proposed: "Ms Sunny, I suggest you check in today…"

"Will everything be okay if I let you treat me?" Abby muttered under her breath, as if talking to herself.

The doctor was caught off guard, he took a moment before shaking his head.

No need to undergo the treatment then.

Abby moistened her lips, and carelessly stuffed the report into her bag.

She said thank you to the doctor before leaving the doctor's office.

It was still raining outside.

The wind whipped against her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

She took out an umbrella from her handbag, but it was no use against the cold.

The temperature in March wasn't exactly low; it was from the inside that she felt chill to the bone. Even her blood felt cold.

She put her free hand inside her coat, but it just wouldn't warm up. So stubborn.

Abby wandered along the street, not knowing where she sould go.

Unconsciously, she fidgeted with the wedding ring on her finger, and looked up at the sky, heavy with dark clouds.

It was already spring, the season where everything was blessed with a new life.

But ironically, she was sentenced to death in this supposed season of life.

How did all of this happen?


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