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Madam, the CEO Regrets It (Abby and Jason) novel Chapter 5

Jason's whole body exuded cold air. They were only a few centimeters apart, and Abby was instantly awake. Facing the man's gaze, she didn't know where to look at.

Suddenly Jason's hand pinched her chin, and Abby was forced to look up at him with panic.

"Jason, why are you back?"

"I come back when I want to. Do I have to report it to you?" Jason knelt down on the bed and pressed on Abby regardless of her resistance. He used a lot of strength to grab Abby's wrist without any pity.

He felt the woman in his arms became stiff from relaxed. Abbytried her best to resist but was finally suppressed by his legs.

Abby was in a panic. She had never seen Jason like a wolf trying to tear her apart and swallow her. She was very afraid of him like this. The gentle and reserved Jason in her memory was gradually fading away.

She subconsciously began to beg for mercy: "Jason, it hurts…"

"Abby, you really make me sick. Both your face and body make me disgust ." A woman like Abby didn't deserve to be treated well. It seemed that patience was superfluous.

Abby's body was stiff. She bit her lower lip tightly. Her face looked like old paper in the dim light, without a trace of blood.

She should have been used to Jason's insults for a long time, but she didn't know why her heart was still so painful, like being ravagi in the palm of a hand and being crushed into pieces.

Jason seldom came back. He treated her as a whore. When he came back, she had to lie down and 'fulfill' her wife's obligations ."

Today, Mia was injured. He should have been in the hospital with his sweetheart, but now he appeared in her bedroom in the middle of the night….Abby thought about it for a while and figured it out. He probably had a quarrel with Mia, otherwise how could he come to her?

But she was not in the mood to face him. Abby pushed away the man's strong chest and planned to escape. When she straightened up, the long hair on the back of her head was pulled from behind.

"Ah…" Abby uttered a painful chant and leaned back, "Jason, it's too late today. I don't want to have sex with you…"

She didn't know how this sentence offended him. Jason's gloomy face was especially terrible under the light and shadow. He grabbed Abby's hand and forced her face on the pillow.

"Abby, why are you pretending to be pure? I know whether you want it ir not. You threatened me to get married, and now you pretend to be conservative?"

His words hurt her … Abby's breath was trembling. She stared at the ceiling, while her eyes were flled with tears that was going to fall down on the pillows next second.

This was the person she loved. He hurt her all over with the most vicious words.

Jason looked at her wet eyes, but then tore off the tie on his neck and tied Abby's hand to the bed.

Abby resisted the pain of stomach cancer. The tip of her tongue was against her teeth, while she was repressing her voice and trying her best to swallow the bloody smell in her throat, which making her inconsolable.

Jason looked at the woman like a cat curled up in the quilt, she shivered slightly and looked pitiful.

Jason never took her seriously. Abby was always in good health. It was common for her to work overtime all night and went to work on time the next day. It seemed that he never saw her sick since he had been with her for so long.

Her long hair was messy on the bed, her back was very thin, and her shoulder blades were like a butterfly about to spread wings when she bent her body.

He couldn't help reaching out to touch it. As soon as his fingertips touched it, the woman seemed to be frightened and suddenly dodged. A trace of unpleasantness flashed in Jason's eyes.

"You used to be like a dead fish, you want to play hard-to-get today? But it's no use!" Jason's rage arose for no reason, which was so strange that even he didn't know how to put it out.

He didn't want to admit that Abby brought him this emotion, so he could only think about Mia. When he thought of what Mia said to him in the hospital and asked him when he will divorce Abby, his mood suddenly darkened.

Jason clenched his back teeth. What was Abby worth he arguing with Mia?

Abby hugged herself like a tortoise in a retracted shell, showing her self-protection. She felt so cold. She turned on the air conditioner and covered the quilt, but she still couldn't resist the cold.

It seemed that there was a cut in the heart. The wound was infected and rotten.

She had always been able to bear the pain, but this time she really couldn't help it. Once the thought of divorce got into her heart, it would spread wildly.

When she had some strength, she would talk about the divorce with Jason. She was dying and didn't want to please him anymore.

When Abby was in a coma, he heard Jason finish his last sentence.

"If you didn't have the same blood type as Mia's, do you think I will come to you now? But you will soon be useless."

Chapter 5 1


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