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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Be Generous

Upon seeing Anastasia, Lamia's expression soured with displeasure.

"You dare to come here? I've called you so many times. Yet, you never answered the calls. I thought you had the guts to leave our family for good! You've caused so much trouble for the family, making Christian suffer from all sides. How dare you show up here?"

While Lamia continued her scolding, the onlookers remained silent, eagerly anticipating the unfolding drama.

Anastasia pursed her lips and smiled.

"Grandma asked me to come. I'll take a look at her and leave."

Ignoring Lamia's anger, Anastasia confidently walked upstairs to Grace's room.

Lamia, accustomed to berating her in front of others, didn't think much of it and continued, "Stop right there! You can't even greet them properly. This lack of manners is exactly why I said we should be careful about who marries into the Patterson family. How unlucky we are to have you!"

Anastasia turned her head slightly, her expression unchanged, as she looked at Lamia and smiled.

"Perhaps the unlucky one here is me."

Lamia's expression changed, shocked that Anastasia dared to speak to her like that.

"You... how dare you?"

"Your family can even accept illegitimate children, so I can only imagine someone with an even less respectable background like Beatrice also will be welcomed into the family. There's no talk of maintaining social status and compatibility!"

Everyone knew that Beatrice's mother was a nightclub hostess who had a secret affair with a wealthy man and gave birth to Beatrice.

However, when the child was born before her mother could approach the wealthy man, he passed away, leaving no evidence of their relationship.

Her mother was desperate, crying and screaming outside the house of the wealthy man, hoping his wife would support her and the child.

This scandal caused a huge uproar and became widely known. A simple investigation would reveal all the details.

Indeed, Lamia's strong opposition to Beatrice and Christian's relationship stemmed from Beatrice's humble origins, which were considered unacceptable by the high standards of the Patterson family.

Upon hearing this, Lamia's expression turned unpleasant.

Even the grandchild in her arms seemed less adorable to her.

Christian's aunt quickly approached and advised, "Anastasia, it's just a minor issue in the family, no need to make it public. As long as you're here, the Patterson family won't let other women interfere. Go and apologize to your mother-in-law, be more forgiving. After all, the child will call you Mom in the future. Be generous!"

The people around echoed, "Yes, be magnanimous. The child is innocent."

"Don't dwell on it. It's normal for men to have affairs outside."

Lamia stared coldly at Anastasia, sneering, "With your background, being able to marry into our family is a result of God's grace. It's ridiculous that you still can't recognize your place. Even if Christian keeps a dozen mistresses, it's because of your incompetence. Don't you see what kind of person you are? If it weren't for marrying into the Patterson family, you wouldn't be able to afford these luxurious clothes and bags. They were all bought by my son. You should be grateful for that. Don't forget. I can still kick you out and send you back to your poor and miserable life!"

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

A stern voice interrupted, laced with a hint of chill.

As Christian walked in, he overheard Lamia's harsh words, and his expression turned extremely unpleasant.

He couldn't fathom Anastasia suffering under his mother's verbal assaults.

After all, Anastasia was his wife.

Christian glanced at Anastasia.

Christian knew his mother well and how she looked down on women with less favorable backgrounds.

Lamia probably had insulted Anastasia countless times in the past, yet she never complained or spoke ill of her in the three years of their marriage.

Christian couldn't help but wonder what he might have overlooked during these three years.

Anastasia gently tugged at the corner of her lips, her gaze cold and indifferent as she looked at Lamia.


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