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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9 You Are Free

Anastasia felt a mix of emotions inside her.

She realized Christian could also feel anxious.

However, his anxiety was solely due to Beatrice's child.

Christian's expression became even gloomier, as if overshadowed by a layer of haze.

They arrived at the Courthouse, and luckily, there was no queue.

A few people followed them inside.

Without hesitation, Anastasia signed the document. She watched Christian hesitatingly holding the pen, contemplating his decision.

Suddenly, two men approached from behind.

Anastasia watched as one man firmly held Christian's shoulder, rendering him unable to move, while another person grasped his hand and forced the pen to sign on the document.

The forceful pen strokes nearly tore through the paper.

Christian violently resisted, throwing the pen aside. His forehead veins pulsed like a raging beast, teeth clenched in anger, and he gritted out.

"Anastasia... How dare you..."

Anastasia remained composed, handing the signed papers to the staff with a gentle smile. "That's enough."

The staff observed the situation and remained silent, swiftly finalizing the divorce papers and handing them over.

Anastasia took it, thanked them, and stood up to face Christian.

Her eyes glinted with ice.

Her lips curved in a mocking arc, her voice cold and indifferent.

"You are free now, Mr. Patterson."

She tossed one of the divorce certificates right in his face and turned to leave.

Christian stood there stunned, then quickly strode forward to catch up with Anastasia.

With a deep and heavy voice, he asked, "Where's Charlie?"

Anastasia smiled faintly, her face filled with an indifferent nonchalance.

"Your son is not my concern. If he pretends to be lost, go find the police."

Christian's expression turned cold.

His phone rang, and it was Beatrice.

"Christian, we found Charlie. The nanny took him out for a while, and they just returned."

Christian's brow furrowed, and his gaze intensified.

How could this be just a coincidence?

Anastasia couldn't have had access to his arranged nanny, so she must have been lying just now.

But why would Beatrice contact Anastasia?

There was no time to think further.

Christian watched Anastasia enter the car with those unfamiliar men and leave, disappearing from sight.

Christian's chest felt like it had a sudden void, a complex mix of emotions that made him feel restless and suffocated. It seemed like an unfamiliar emotion was trying to break free from his heart.

Anastasia got in the car and read the messages she sent to Beatrice on her phone. A smirk appeared on her face.

[He is with me. I want to see how anxious he'll get if your son pretends to be lost.]

Beatrice's reply had given her the perfect answer and helped her out.

But things wouldn't end there.

Back home, Anastasia's mood improved.

She listened to the sounds in the house and rushed in to see what happened.

It appeared Amanda had returned. She was instructing the servants on what dishes to prepare.

Anastasia ran over and playfully hugged her from behind.

"Mom, the most beautiful mom in the world. I missed you!"

Amanda was in her forties and was well-preserved. She was popular in the entertainment industry and looked more like Anastasia's sister.

Amanda wore a stern expression, ready to teach Anastasia some lesson, but as soon as she saw Anastasia acting like a baby, her heart immediately softened.

"You never act your age. Don't you know how to wash your hand after returning home? Be careful not to stain my clothes."

Amanda teased with a feigned annoyance, but her face was full of joy and affection.

Anastasia continued to cling to her, whining and clinging like a little kangaroo.

Behind her, Derek teasingly chuckled, "Mom, I think she's doing it on purpose. You better teach her a lesson!"

Anastasia turned around and saw Derek standing there, his aura calm and composed, with a smile playing on his lips as he raised an eyebrow.


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