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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 A Grace of God

He didn't like the way Lamia arrogantly blamed Anastasia.

Anastasia actually did nothing wrong!

But the Patterson family had always owed her a lot!

"My friend saw you while shopping in Starlight Entertainment," Lamia said. Recalling what happened recently. She snorted coldly, "It's good that the mute child was lost, and there's no need to order someone to look for the child. Beatrice must be driven away quickly, and you don't contact her again. She still wants to marry into our family with that status, which is totally her pipe dream!"

Suddenly having an extra child to divide the family property would make Lamia furious!

This child was finally lost, which was really a grace of God!

Christian looked up gloomily and said, without any emotion,

"Is there anything else?"

Emma walked over with a smile.

"Chris, we merely come to see you. Our father's birthday is a few days away, so we need to discuss how to arrange it."

"Our father's birthday can still be held the same as usual, like holding a banquet. The invitation list can be handed over to Steve," said Christian.

Lamia nodded and said naturally,

"I've already contacted several girls with privileged backgrounds for you, and there is one who plays the piano well among them. You can see her later."

Christian stood up impatiently with an overwhelmingly cold expression.

"No. You can leave if there is nothing else. I still have a lot to do here."

When Lamia saw Christian's reluctance, she turned gloomy and said unhappily,

"A few days ago, your father went to meet that woman abroad. If I hadn't been there in time, I wouldn't have known what would have happened! If their relationship is restored, how could you still keep the position of the president of Patterson Group?"

There was a moment of silence in the office.

Christian's gaze turned sharp with a few flashes of coldness.

"Whether I can firmly keep this position is not up to you."

In the past years, when Patterson Group was in the charge of James, it wasn't the champion with overwhelming momentum.

It was Christian who cleared up assets in the shortest time and curbed dissidents after taking over Patterson Group, which gradually allowed Patterson Group to dominate in business.


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