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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 He Refused to See Me

"I went to find Jaxon, but he refused to see me. I went to his company several times and waited for him for many hours, but he still ignored me.

"No matter how I created chances to see him, he still refused to talk to me.

"Chris, help me to find a way. I'm going to be mad!"

Emma walked back and forth impatiently.

Christian frowned slightly.

"What do you pay so much attention to Jaxon?"

"If I don't pay so much attention to him, he can't even notice me. It is not difficult for women to pursue men. In addition, Jaxon is so outstanding that so many girls like him, so I can't let others successfully court him!"

Emma said naturally.

Christian looked disdainful, for he didn't have a good impression of Jaxon.

"He's not worth it. Besides, doesn't he just look like me?"

"Chris, can you stop being narcissistic? How could Jaxon look like you? Obviously, he looks more gentle and more handsome..."

Christian turned gloomy and glanced at Emma coldly.

"Get out."

Emma felt speechless.

"Is Chris my real brother?" Emma suspiciously thought.

Emma begged Christian for a long time before Christian agreed to create an opportunity for her by inviting Jaxon to James's birthday party.

Christian asked Emma to leave, so he could finally enjoy peace for a while.

It was several days later that Anastasia knew about Christian's situation.

Because the event that Romy jumped from a building involved considerable things, it was kept a secret.

When Anastasia learned about it, she couldn't believe it temporarily.

Why did that woman choose such a way to kill herself?

A few days later, Eleanor happily went to the company to find Anastasia.

As soon as she entering the room, Eleanor stood in front of the desk in high spirits, looking at Anastasia mysteriously.

"Can you guess what I'm going to tell you?"

Anastasia shook her head.


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