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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Anastasia Refused Samara's Deal

Given the relationship between Terence and Christian, it was reasonable for him to ask the Patterson family for help.

Anastasia twitched her mouth and smiled casually.

"Don't overthink it. We'll roll with the punches."

Eleanor breathed a sigh of relief. "A temporary victory is also a victory. I'm going to have a drink to celebrate it. Bye!"

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Anastasia smiled helplessly. Her mood was not affected.

For several days.

The police's progress was very smooth. Under the balance of many parties, Terence tried his best but still couldn't save the situation.

It seemed that there was a force blocking him.

He contacted Christian many times, but unfortunately, Christian avoided seeing him.

Terence also didn't want to help Matt, who was typically ignorant and incompetent. However, Matt was the only son of Maura, Terence's aunt. Of course, Maura wasn't willing to let Matt go to jail.

Therefore, Samara, Terence's mother, could only go to the Patterson Manor many times to beg Lamia.

However, Lamia knew that it was troublesome, so she found many excuses and didn't promise to help.

In the end, Samara had to find Anastasia.

In Starlight Entertainment.

Dressed in a lady's attire, Samara walked into Anastasia's office nobly looked around with a bit of disdain.

Anastasia motioned for Kevin to pour a cup of coffee. As soon as Kevin put the coffee cup on the table, Samara glanced at it, smiled casually, and said, "When you were in the Patterson Manor, you used to do things like serving coffee by yourself. But now, you work in a company, and someone else does it for you."

Anastasia casually glanced at Kevin and smiled.


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