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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Madeline suddenly felt her entire body go cold, the blood in her body seemed to have been frozen.

She stared at this sneering man in a daze. He was just like Satan in the dark night, his whole body was black.

It turned out he wanted to see her die.

‘Jeremy, very soon it would be as you wish.’

‘May you still be as calm as in this moment when the day comes.’

Yet, when she started having the thought of completely leaving this world and forgetting this man forever, she, however, felt a lot of reluctance in her heart.

To this day, she still had some feelings for him.

Madeline’s tears began to fall all of a sudden, but no matter how hot her tears were, it could not warm her heart.

“Why are you crying? Are you trying to pretend to be pitiful again?”

Jeremy sneered, his warm, slender fingers pinched Madeline’s chin, forcing her to look up at him.

“Do you think I will fall for your trick like those men? Your face is already healed so why are you still wrapping yourself up with gauze? There is no need for this trickery in front of me, I will only feel disgusted by it!”

As soon as he said those words in disgust, he noticed that a bright red color had gradually seeped through the gauze right after Madeline had teared up.

Jeremy’s gaze changed all of a sudden. He tore open the gauze on Madeline’s face. The skin was exposed and fleshy, and the bloody wound was there was him to see in an instant.

Jeremy was shocked. His ridicule and contempt towards Madeline from the previous moment seemed to have come back to bite him at this moment.

“Give it back!” Madeline hurriedly snatched the blood-stained gauze back from Jeremy’s hand, and then she held it back in place with trembling hands. “Don’t look! Stop looking!”


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