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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114

After the impact, Madeline leaned against the wall, her head spinning. She did not notice the gold pendant she always had hidden in her clothes slip out.

However, Meredith noticed immediately!

She definitely noticed the butterfly-shaped gold pendant that slipped out of Madeline’s collar!

She did not forget, three years ago, she when heard that Madeline could be Eloise’s daughter by birth, she tried all sorts of ways to obtain Eloise’s own personal toothbrush from Brittany, and at the same time, she stole Madeline’s clothes that had her DNA in order to perform a DNA test.

The results stated that Madeline really was the daughter that Eloise and Sean Montgomery had been looking for over twenty years!

It caused Meredith to feel incredibly envious but also gave birth to another evil thought. She devised a fake show with Rose and Jon which caused Eloise and Sean to suspect that she would be their daughter that was mistakenly taken away from the hospital all those years ago.

Eloise and Sean did mention the butterfly-shaped pendant at the time and were adamant that the pendant was custom made. It was a unique object and had the name “Eveline” engraved on it.

Meredith did not forget that Madeline had the name Eveline before she changed her name, she just never knew what her family name was.

This caused her to be even more certain of the fact that Madeline was the birth daughter of Eloise Patton.

As for the pendant, Rose and Jon recalled seeing that gold pendant many years ago, but they did not know where it went.

Eloise and Sean did not press the issue either. After they finished signing the adoption papers, they fully believed that Meredith was their precious long-lost daughter, and stopped caring about the gold pendant.


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