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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Madeline tried to escape, but she could not resist that huge man. She was forced into a car.

“Who are you?! Where are you bringing me?!” Madeline shouted, but no one responded. She could not even jump out of the car if she wanted to, since someone was holding onto her hands the whole way.

After a little over ten minutes, the car stopped at a deserted place outside the city.

“Get out!” The man fiercely pulled her out of the car, shoving her onto the ground.

As Madeline fell on the ground, her palms fell onto the sharp rocks on the floor, piercing through her skin as she started to bleed. She ignored the pain as she raised her head up.

“What are you doing?! Who sent you here, is it Meredith?!” She asked. The moment she said that, Meredith appeared in front of her.

Meredith had a face full of makeup and an expensive branded fur coat as she looked down arrogantly on Madeline.

“Meredith, so it is you!” Madeline clenched her teeth as she faced the vile woman. “What did you have me brought here for? What are you planning on doing?!”

Madeline tried to stand up after saying that, but the moment she moved, someone kicked her on the stomach.

The pain caused her entire body to tremble as she rolled on the grass, her face pale. The cold winter air pierced her like a cold knife on her skin.

It was so cold, but Madeline’s forehead was full of sweat.

Looking at Madeline’s despondent state, Meredith spoke, “Maddie, how could you ask such a stupid question? I’m just repaying a debt, a tooth for a tooth after all. Why did you have to bully me all the time? Now Jeremy is telling me that I need to prove a point to you.”


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