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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Madeline was stunned. Her mind was completely blank.

“Maddie. Maddie.”

After some time. Madeline heard someone calling her name.

She came back to her senses and saw a familiar face. It was her only best friend, Ava Long.

Ava looked at Madeline who was extremely pale: she felt extremely angry and worried.

“Madeline, you're such a bad friend. Why didn’t you tell me such big news?”

Madeleine was confused. “Ava, why are you here?”

“You're one to say. You called me last night, but before you could finish talking. you passed out.” Ava reached out her hand to touch Madeline's forehead as she spoke. “Madeline. Did you lose your memory?”

Of course, Madeline had not lost her memory. She remembered Jeremy choking her before leaving her the night prior. Consequently. she hit her stomach on the corner of the bed and was in so much pain that could not get up. Nevertheless, he just walked away without a care in the world. He even said those heartless things before he left.

Her heart was sliced open. and the pain penetrated her bones.

Ava turned around and sat on the bed. Her expression was serious. “Where's Jeremy? He’s your husband. You're hospitalized and he’s nowhere to be seen.”

Madeline averted her gaze in guilt. “Jeremy is busy.”

“He's busy staying with his mistress, Meredith, huh?” Ava hit the nail on the head.

“Madeline. you're so crazy about that man that you’ve become confused and disoriented.You're in this state, and you're still helping him.”

Madeline laughed at herself. “It’s all because I like him.”

“I think you won't be able to like him for long.” Ava’s words were still straightforward. “Did you hear what the doctor said just now?”


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