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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Madeline tearfully looked at Eloise as she uttered those words. In that moment, her heart shattered into a million pieces, losing all hope. The familial love that she had craved for so long had turned into a weapon that would destroy her life.

If there was a next life, she wanted to be a fish that only had seven seconds of memory. That way, she could forget all the pain.

Not long after, Madeline was tried in court for murder. People usually begged to live but Madeline’s heart was so broken she had lost all will to live.

In the court, Madeline wore a prison uniform. Her face was pale and her hair disheveled, looking just like a wild ghost.

She saw Meredith dressed up beautifully, accompanying Eloise and Sean. Even Jeremy had come, probably to see what her sentence was. He probably wanted to see her get sentenced to jail, never to have a chance to redeem herself again.

Madeline could not help but laugh bitterly. She felt like she was certain to be deemed guilty, and either sentenced to life in prison or even given the death sentence, but she did not expect that there would be a lawyer present to defend her.

This lawyer was extremely professional and was quite well known in the field as well. He provided a very important piece of evidence.

At the crime scene, they found a napkin stained with Madeline’s blood. On the napkin were the fingerprints of a third person. However, these fingerprints were not present in any criminal records, nor have they managed to figure out who it belonged to.

Madeline suddenly recalled that Meredith had hit her face, which resulted in her blood getting onto Meredith’s hand. After that, Meredith had used a napkin to wipe off the blood before throwing it on the floor. That napkin had to have been left behind my Meredith!

Meredith definitely had a hand in Brittany’s death!

Madeline did not voice out anything in court, but plans began to form in her mind.

Thanks to that suspicious fact, Madeline could not be sentenced and was let free by the court.

However, Eloise and Sean did not let the matter rest. They were convinced that Madeline was the murderer who killed Brittany, and Meredith had been whispering false advice into their ears.


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman