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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Jeremy unhappily knocked at the door. “Madeline, open the door.”

“Jeremy, just leave, I don’t want to see you.” Madeline coldly rejected him, turning around to leave.

She hid the earring before taking a bath. Changing into some dry and comfortable clothes before turning the heater on, finally warming herself up.

Madeline looked at the time, and more than half an hour had passed. Jeremy should have already left. She walked to the door and listened, making sure she could hear nothing outside before opening the door.

The moment she opened the door, Jeremy’s long and handsome figure was right in front of her! His entire body was still wet, even his hair was dripping, and his expression did not look too good.

His deep eyes stared at Madeline, causing her heart to skip a beat. She did not expect him to stay in front of the door despite it being a windy winter day.

Madeline was shocked, and her first response was to close the door, but it was blocked by Jeremy’s hand. He used a little force and easily pushed the door open. As he entered the place he tossed his car keys to Madeline. “There’s a change of clothes in my car, bring it to me.”

After giving Madeline her commands, he headed toward the bathroom. Madeline chased after him, blocking his way as she asked, “Jeremy, what is the meaning of this?”

Even if he was dripping wet, Jeremy’s noble aura did not diminish as he amusedly smirked. “Madeline, would you still be alive if I didn’t save you earlier? Is this how you treat your savior?”

“Savior?” Madeline laughed mockingly. “Jeremy, did you really save me? You only did it to protect Meredith, and so you could torture me to death yourself!”

With those words, dark clouds seemed to form over Jeremy’s face. “Madeline, you really don’t know when you’re being shown kindness.”

“Even if that’s the case, I was forced to be like this by you, Mr. Whitman.”


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman