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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Madeline stayed silent and muttered to herself irresolutely.

She had at least a month left.

A month was enough for her to take the evidence to the police and report that Meredith had killed someone.

After she left the hospital, Daniel took her on an aimless car ride around the city center. Toward the end of their trip, he stopped next to a food truck.

Daniel looked at Madeline with a gentle and soft smile on his handsome face. “Maddie, will you have tacos with hot sauce with me again this time?”

Madeline felt surprised. However, when she saw the glistening tears in Daniel’s eyes, she sensed something.

Did he already know that she did not have much time to live?

Madeline did not think too much into it. She smiled and nodded. “Of course. And not just this time, we’ll have lots of chances in the future.”

“Really?” Daniel looked at her expectantly.

“Yeah, really,” Madeline replied confidently.

Madeline accompanied Daniel as he ate tacos with hot sauce by the food truck. They started talking about their life at university.

Daniel confessed that he had fallen for Madeline the first day she got into university. Eventually, he found out that she had already fallen for Jeremy at first sight.

However, Madeline knew that she did not fall for Jeremy at first sight. In fact, her love for him rekindled after she saw him again.

After they finished eating, Daniel sent Madeline back to her house. He wanted to hang out with her a bit more in her home, but he received a call from his family, so he had no choice to go back.

He watched as Madeline’s scrawny frame walked further and further away from him. Daniel could not control himself and got out of the car. Then, he ran in front of Madeline.

Madeline did not have time to react before Daniel planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Maddie, I like you.”


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